Rendering Farm
yes, thats it. Thanks a ton dozr
No problem, just let us know how it goes...zoom, zoom!
Let me know how it goes, I have been looking at this for a while but never had the nerve to go for it, so if it works for y'all I'd be interested in what configuration you got.
A bit pricey?
yeah im looking into it, but still not ready to plunge into buying it. I will let everyone know how it turns out if I end up getting the funds to get it.
@d12dozr said:
Was it Boxx? much does boxx cost?
$2,375.00 for the basic package...$21,068.00 for a few more options
And that's just for can add software too $58,989.00
hm.... Think I'll go for homebrew solution after all.
That's only like $1 from every SCF member...
we should choose the 5 best plugin scripts writers who contribute their times over the years and reward them a dollar per member to show our appreciation of their hardwork. I am willing to contribute 5 if everybody on the board does it.