I am doing a project where I am going to make a ferro cement canopy that will tie three small building together. It will be a rebar mat that undulates and curves, and I want to ask you all what your favorite way to do shaping like this in sketchp. I have used 'from contours' before, also have the 'subdivide and smooth' plug in. Is there some thing out there that would make a 4" thick rectangle moldable into a wavy shape, even aside from these two tools? Would appreciate any insight..thanks, Keea
Not sure about the wavy rectangle but I find, for canopies, the soap bubble plugin works better than Contours. It's perfect for tensile structures.
Tgi3d amorph might help
The free training edition of Tgi3d amorph might be enough for a simple structure - worth testing it at least. You can model the wavy rectangle then thicken it as needed with JPP.
TIGs extrude series of plugins would also work for you in all likelihood - simple example:-