Hide Lines
Is there a way to hide lines?
Building my model I find it very convenient to work in sections, even though they will join seamlessly in the finished piece. I can smooth other lines easily but can't take out these joins even though they should not show. It would help if I could make these edges invisible without changing the faces they are attached to.
Even if it happened in layout it would be okay.
Eraser + Shift
As Marcus wrote, Shift+Eraser will hide the lines you drag the Eraser tool over. If you have an internal face, however, it won't be hidden entirely. You'll often be able to see the internal face as a sparkling along the edge. Delete the interior face to make it go away.
These are edge lines, and if I try eraser + shift the whole group disappears.
Open the group for editing first.
Remember, you can put mustard on the sandwich until you open the wrapper.