Can you see it?
OK, the image is there. I do not exactly know what I should be seeing (how much should I cross my eyes?)
Very cool - I tried the cross-eyes from about 18" and the terrain thing jumped out of my screen.
Some years ago "steriograms" were quite popular, seemingly random printed images but if you stare/cross eyes the hidden image pops out. Koipetta, your image is more representational rather than hidden. Have you tried to model anything else?
Above is a link to a page with a bunch of steriograms.
This is real displacement
As i said ealier, no how to there. Pure and simple geometry as in 3d work! And jpeg as usual.
Very cool. I've always loved these stereograms. This is even cooler. Very nice. I want to know how to do it.
Yes of course, but how?
I was waiting for someone to do this. And now they have done it. I would like to see a nice architectural model done this way.
These are very cool indeed.
Last one is cool. I still don't get how you did this. Would this work with any repetitive geometric shape?
I'm sorry, I thought "Can you see it?" was a remark by Sarah Palin (Would be presidential candidate and former Alaska governor) commenting on being able to see Russia from her backyard in Alaska.
@roger said:
I'm sorry, I thought "Can you see it?" was a remark by Sarah Palin (Would be presidential candidate and former Alaska governor) commenting on being able to see Russia from her backyard in Alaska.
Tangent coming up...
Of course, in 1867 [after negotiations and escrow were delayed by the Civil War] the then cash-strapped Russian-Empire deftly off-loaded their massive [and then seemingly useless chunk] of 'Russian-American', by 'conning' the USA into buying it for just $7.2 million dollars [a bargain!] [after the UK/Canada didn't want it as they already had the Yukon and British Columbia to worry about!]... If they hadn't then Sarah Palin's back-yard would have actually been inside Russia !
Luckily the USA's 'punt' paid off - although no one suspected that Russian-America and/or the Department/District/Territory and finally State of Alaska [1959] had so many untapped resources...
And of course we ignore the fact that like the rest of the land appropriated by various 'Empires' etc it already had indigenous peoples who had 'owned' the land for generations, so Russia's selling it to the USA is in someways an academic long-con. The word 'aborigine' is now normally applied to the inhabitants of Australia [the Southern-Land] before 'we' arrived - but in fact 'ab-origine' is simply Latin for 'those who were there from the beginning' [origin] and applies to all people that had their birthright sold from under them by parties who didn't even own it to sell it in the first place...
oups,here it is.
An other one more colorfull...
Less than 1% black ink create a profond impression on a blank page....
Now you don t anymore.So sorry but if need be,pm me. I post edit it because i beleived this topic render its usefullness which was to verify if some other people could see what i was seeing.Many thanks again.
You could still leave it up so others could see its awesomeness.
I don't really understand what you are saying about positive or negative. If they appear to pop out or indent? They are very cool nontheless. Keep them coming please.
yes,exactly.For instance, if you are myopic you will see it caving in ...
Or as in the case of Jim Smith who respond to the post the first,the effect was coming out of his screen.By the way,i appreciated very much your feed back.