Set your Daylight Savings Time on this forum if needed
(This is US standard info, (And British (thanks tfdesign!)) I'm not sure how relevant this info is to the rest of the world. I know timezones and daylight savings stuff varies wildly around the world.)
Hey, I just noticed I needed to manually adjust the Daylight Savings option for the forum, since it just changed in (most of) the US over the weekend. So if you recently changed your clocks back an hour, you will need to tell the forum that you are no longer in summer DST mode anymore. To do this:
- Click on the "User Control Panel" near the top of the forum. Its probably just above all the red buttons, on the left side of the screen.
- The go to "Board Preferences"
- You should be in te sub-tab of "Edit Global Settings" by default.
- Near the bottom of the page, there is an option "Summer Time/DST is in effect". That should now be set to "No". Make sure your timezone info is also set correctly (Hawaii is UTC-10, Alaska is UTC-9, Pacific coast is UTC-8, Mountain is UTC-7, Central time is UTC-6, and East Coast is UTC-5).
The same goes for Britain (GMT).
I find it interesting that there are conspiracy theories regarding daylight savings time.
My fav is the real reason we have it relates to getting people to change their smoke detectors batteries twice a year. That's alot of batteries. Mr. Ever Ready and Mr. Ener Gizer are getting rich!
They aren't getting rich off of me!
I change my batteries on a different cycle.
Thanks for the reminder, Chris.
Subject: Winter time on | Summer time off
@unknownuser said:
":21nzpyk7]Last night we (here where I live) changed back to Winter time. If you also changed and see that the board time does not reflect it, go to your User Control Panel > Board preferences and set it to Winter time (i.e. Summer time / DST off).