Printing to scale?
Trying to print to scale in layout 3.0... with no luck so far
Have been setting the scale in the Sketchup model box, to 1/4" = 1 ft, but it won't print to scale.Confused somewhat, on reading the maunual (2.0), page 115 to create custom scale??
So, how does one set this up, to get an accurate print out to scale?
I'm flummoxed, please help :O)
Found the above in a search, seems like a lot of work :O)
There must be something easier, using layout, to accomplish to scale printing.... what am I missing?
Send a sketchup model to layout, select the model, set scale in Window->SketchUp Model on the view tab (should be an Ortho / Parallel view).
I did that the first few times with no success... tried it again, and lo and behold....success. Yipeeeee
Big thank you Bjanzen.....