ACad Colors 2 RGB
I have been programing SU materials, and had difficulty finding on line, an array of ACad color numbers along with their corresponding RGB values. I keyed it from scratch, and posted here for anyone that may be interested. Each line in the array has 4 values, the ACad number, then the red, green, and blue values.acad_colors_rgb.txtConceptually, can anyone tell me how to access an existing SU material in order to apply in to a face? Or, to add them to
? I looked at the api, and tried several. without success. The closest I got was:
materials = model.materials material_current = "C:\\*Path*\\image name.png"
that created a empty (unusable?) material inmodel.material
. The only method I thought might work, ismaterial.texture="*.jpg"
, but the api example points to an image, not a skm. -
@honoluludesktop said:
Conceptually, can anyone tell me how to access an existing SU material in order to apply in to a face?
is where you gain access to the materials.
If you know it name, then you can usemodel.materials['my material']
You can of course iterate the collection
model.materials.each { |m| # ... }
@honoluludesktop said:
Or, to add them to model.materials?
model.materials.add said:
The only method I thought might work, is material.texture="*.jpg", but the api example points to an image, not a skm.
You can't load or save .skm file via the ruby API.
@honoluludesktop said:
I have been programing SU materials, and had difficulty finding on line, an array of ACad color numbers along with their corresponding RGB values. I keyed it from scratch, and posted here for anyone that may be interested. Each line in the array has 4 values, the ACad number, then the red, green, and blue values.[attachment=0:300tej3g]<!-- ia0 -->acad_colors_rgb.txt<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:300tej3g]Conceptually, can anyone tell me how to access an existing SU material in order to apply in to a face? Or, to add them to
? I looked at the api, and tried several. without success. The closest I got was:
materials = model.materials material_current = "C:\\*Path*\\image name.png"
that created a empty (unusable?) material inmodel.material
. The only method I thought might work, ismaterial.texture="*.jpg"
, but the api example points to an image, not a skm.You could have more simply cribbed it from part of my DXFlayer tool
def DXFlayercols;;color_lookup(color) ### lookup table of aci,r,g,b "1,255,0,0 2,255,255,0 3,0,255,0 4,0,255,255 5,0,0,255 6,255,0,255 7,255,255,255 8,65,65,65 9,128,128,128 10,255,0,0 11,255,170,170 12,189,0,0 13,189,126,126 14,129,0,0 15,129,86,86 16,104,0,0 17,104,69,69 18,79,0,0 19,79,53,53 20,255,63,0 21,255,191,170 22,189,46,0 23,189,141,126 24,129,31,0 25,129,96,86 26,104,25,0 27,104,78,69 28,79,19,0 29,79,59,53 30,255,127,0 31,255,212,170 32,189,94,0 33,189,157,126 34,129,64,0 35,129,107,86 36,104,52,0 37,104,86,69 38,79,39,0 39,79,66,53 40,255,191,0 41,255,234,170 42,189,141,0 43,189,173,126 44,129,96,0 45,129,118,86 46,104,78,0 47,104,95,69 48,79,59,0 49,79,73,53 50,255,255,0 51,255,255,170 52,189,189,0 53,189,189,126 54,129,129,0 55,129,129,86 56,104,104,0 57,104,104,69 58,79,79,0 59,79,79,53 60,191,255,0 61,234,255,170 62,141,189,0 63,173,189,126 64,96,129,0 65,118,129,86 66,78,104,0 67,95,104,69 68,59,79,0 69,73,79,53 70,127,255,0 71,212,255,170 72,94,189,0 73,157,189,126 74,64,129,0 75,107,129,86 76,52,104,0 77,86,104,69 78,39,79,0 79,66,79,53 80,63,255,0 81,191,255,170 82,46,189,0 83,141,189,126 84,31,129,0 85,96,129,86 86,25,104,0 87,78,104,69 88,19,79,0 89,59,79,53 90,0,255,0 91,170,255,170 92,0,189,0 93,126,189,126 94,0,129,0 95,86,129,86 96,0,104,0 97,69,104,69 98,0,79,0 99,53,79,53 100,0,255,63 101,170,255,191 102,0,189,46 103,126,189,141 104,0,129,31 105,86,129,96 106,0,104,25 107,69,104,78 108,0,79,19 109,53,79,59 110,0,255,127 111,170,255,212 112,0,189,94 113,126,189,157 114,0,129,64 115,86,129,107 116,0,104,52 117,69,104,86 118,0,79,39 119,53,79,66 120,0,255,191 121,170,255,234 122,0,189,141 123,126,189,173 124,0,129,96 125,86,129,118 126,0,104,78 127,69,104,95 128,0,79,59 129,53,79,73 130,0,255,255 131,170,255,255 132,0,189,189 133,126,189,189 134,0,129,129 135,86,129,129 136,0,104,104 137,69,104,104 138,0,79,79 139,53,79,79 140,0,191,255 141,170,234,255 142,0,141,189 143,126,173,189 144,0,96,129 145,86,118,129 146,0,78,104 147,69,95,104 148,0,59,79 149,53,73,79 150,0,127,255 151,170,212,255 152,0,94,189 153,126,157,189 154,0,64,129 155,86,107,129 156,0,52,104 157,69,86,104 158,0,39,79 159,53,66,79 160,0,63,255 161,170,191,255 162,0,46,189 163,126,141,189 164,0,31,129 165,86,96,129 166,0,25,104 167,69,78,104 168,0,19,79 169,53,59,79 170,0,0,255 171,170,170,255 172,0,0,189 173,126,126,189 174,0,0,129 175,86,86,129 176,0,0,104 177,69,69,104 178,0,0,79 179,53,53,79 180,63,0,255 181,191,170,255 182,46,0,189 183,141,126,189 184,31,0,129 185,96,86,129 186,25,0,104 187,78,69,104 188,19,0,79 189,59,53,79 190,127,0,255 191,212,170,255 192,94,0,189 193,157,126,189 194,64,0,129 195,107,86,129 196,52,0,104 197,86,69,104 198,39,0,79 199,66,53,79 200,191,0,255 201,234,170,255 202,141,0,189 203,173,126,189 204,96,0,129 205,118,86,129 206,78,0,104 207,95,69,104 208,59,0,79 209,73,53,79 210,255,0,255 211,255,170,255 212,189,0,189 213,189,126,189 214,129,0,129 215,129,86,129 216,104,0,104 217,104,69,104 218,79,0,79 219,79,53,79 220,255,0,191 221,255,170,234 222,189,0,141 223,189,126,173 224,129,0,96 225,129,86,118 226,104,0,78 227,104,69,95 228,79,0,59 229,79,53,73 230,255,0,127 231,255,170,212 232,189,0,94 233,189,126,157 234,129,0,64 235,129,86,107 236,104,0,52 237,104,69,86 238,79,0,39 239,79,53,66 240,255,0,63 241,255,170,191 242,189,0,46 243,189,126,141 244,129,0,31 245,129,86,96 246,104,0,25 247,104,69,78 248,79,0,19 249,79,53,59 250,51,51,51 251,80,80,80 252,105,105,105 253,130,130,130 254,190,190,190 255,255,255,255".each{|a| rgb=a.split(",") if rgb[0].to_i==color rgb.shift return rgb end#if } end#def
You can't [yet] access .skm files through the API.
You can add a material to the model.materials by name...
mat=model.materials.add("NewMaterial") if not mat=model.materials["NewMaterial"]
This uses it if it exists or makes it otherwise... it avoids making a duplicate like 'NewMaterial-1'
You then set the properties of that 'mat' with methods like...
` ### several ways of specifying the color
mat.texture="C:\Temp\Textures\NewMaterial.png"` -
OK fellows, bummer about skm, and darn google bot, "too-bad for me" about "DXFlayer". Thanks for directions regarding the other "stuff". That's a lot of work to create a complete texture, but when I think about, it should be.
From this, my understanding is that the materials in the other SU folders that are part of the materials folder, can not be currently accessed by api methods.
Btw, anyone have a simple Acad dxf that includes sketchup equivalent textures, alpha, and materials/colors; not just the 256 colors.
@honoluludesktop said:
OK fellows, bummer about skm, and darn google bot, "too-bad for me" about "DXFlayer". Thanks for directions regarding the other "stuff". That's a lot of work to create a complete texture, but when I think about, it should be.
From this, my understanding is that the materials in the other SU folders that are part of the materials folder, can not be currently accessed by api methods.
Correct - external .skm files [materials] that are not already materials in the model are not accessible through the API to 'load'.
Neither are there any methods to 'save' materials out as .skm files.Because a .skm file is only a re-suffixed .zip file containing some .xml files and the texture image file and thumbnail in theory you COULD both load and save .skm files using various 'zip' methods available for Ruby...
To 'import' a .skm you'd copy the external .skm file and rename it as a .zip in a temp-folder, then extract its contents, parse the .xml files for name, color, alpha etc; then duplicate these for a new [or existing] material in the model.materials with that name, [re]setting its color, alpha etc and finally add the texture file to it if appropriate [remember that a .skm file can just specify a 'color' without a texture]...
To 'export' a model's material to an external .skm you'd make a temp-folder and make appropriate .xml files in it using the correct format - including the material's name, color, alpha etc, if it has a texture you would also use a texturewriter to export the material's texture as an image file into the set [making the thumbnail image is another issue?]; finally you make a new .zip file from this set of files and rename it as a .skm to suit...
I've played a little with Ruby and 'zip' files and I know Thomthom is also looking at it [for some nefarious purpose] - so far I don't think any one has made the 'skm_import' and 'skm_export' methods... But it is certainly possible...
If we wait for it to be added to the API by Google we could all be a lot grayer when it arrived... -
Just learned a new word today.
Once we find a good solution for reading & writing ZIP files on both platforms, that is lightweight, doesn't have other dependancies so it's easy to distribute I'm sure we'll quickly have code to read .skm.
As for writing, we also need to write thumbnails, as TIG says. Another troublesome area where we are lacking - image manipulation. -
I unzipped a skm to see what it contained. If I learn enough, maybe working with skm's is something I can attempt to tackle a year from now?-)