A sphere with a center (x0,y0,z0) with diameter r
has all points x,y,z likewith
= Latitude
= longitude -
Isn't that a sphere with poles? The points would not be evenly spaced.
I'm looking to generate the points for the sphere on the right. -
@thomthom said:
I'm looking to generate the points for the sphere on the right.
Start with a octahedron, divide each edge into half and thus each face into four equal smaller triangles, move the new vertices to the desired radius, repeat.
Note that the above results in just a fairly nice approximation, though. (And I don't know if it matches the subdivision used in your example image.) Only for the (not really sphere-like, as they have so few faces) Platonic solids are the vertices in a strict sense evenly distributed, though. See and especially .
Approximation is ok. Just just want to take a fixed number of points and distribute them approximately evenly. Doesn't matter if they need to be rounded to a number that fit some geometric restriction.
Thanks for the links - I'll look into them.
Excellent - the spiral methods works great for my use!
Its pretty common to subdivide a cube and then project onto a sphere.
If you want evenly distributed but not a regular mesh, you could use a Hammersley point set.
@unknownuser said:
A sphere with a center (x0,y0,z0) with diameter r
has all points x,y,z likewith
= Latitude
= longitudeThat is just how I would do it!
Me too
Google are really quick to index this site!
I did a search for "Hammersley point set sphere" and this thread came up as #3 already. -
Not busy enough elsewhere, eh tml?
Thank you for your talents, also. -