[Plugin] V-Ray Tools
hm.... maybe it's not finding the location of VfSU on OSX properly... any error messages in the Ruby Console?
I'll try that- thanks!
update:I opened SU, clicked on the Vray Toolbar and quick SU. I reopened SU and no change
What did i miss?update:
I thought it was solved, but the toolbar was just hiding...i thought it still took a long time to load SU... -
ThomThom, no errors reported...
You have the console open before you click
Load V-Ray
? -
No, i just opened the Ruby Consol after SU started and didn't see anything.
There is permanently a check beside Load Vray, if that gives you any hints... I try to uncheck it and nothing happens. -
No, i just opened the Ruby Consol after SU started and didn't see anything.
There is permanently a check beside Load Vray on Demand, if that gives you any hints... I try to uncheck it and nothing happens. -
okay- i am an idiot- i had forgotten to go into preferences and uncheck Vray in the extensions... well you know the rest. DUHHH... how many of these moments am i going to have this month??
13 ... ?
this lovely plugin is not working on Sketchup8
... waiting for an update
@sadyo said:
this lovely plugin is not working on Sketchup8
... waiting for an update
I'm using it with SU8...
What exactly is not working for you? Error messages? No menus? VfSU won't start? -
@thomthom said:
@sadyo said:
this lovely plugin is not working on Sketchup8
... waiting for an update
I'm using it with SU8...
What exactly is not working for you? Error messages? No menus? VfSU won't start?No error massages and menus is appear as usual, but it did not operate properly, i mean, nothing happen, there is no any VRay toys effect afterwards and VRay is still allready ON when i open the SU8 and not "on demand" like it should be
- i've put "VRayToys folder" and VRayToys.rb in SU8 plugin folder "\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins"
- i open the SU8, turn off the VRay toolbar and i quit SU8
- i open the SU8 again (this way is working when i'm still SU7) and then nothing happen...
sorry if my explanation somewhat confusing
@sadyo said:
- i've put "VRayToys folder" and VRayToys.rb in SU8 plugin folder "\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins"
- i open the SU8, turn off the VRay toolbar and i quit SU8
- i open the SU8 again (this way is working when i'm still SU7) and then nothing happen...
Did you just close the toolbar, or did you disable VfSU from Window > Preferences > Extensions ?
You need to do the latter. -
Thank you very much. This looks very useful.
This is my first message in this your great forum.
I am spain. Perdon for my English.
See you later
@thomthom said:
@sadyo said:
- i've put "VRayToys folder" and VRayToys.rb in SU8 plugin folder "\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins"
- i open the SU8, turn off the VRay toolbar and i quit SU8
- i open the SU8 again (this way is working when i'm still SU7) and then nothing happen...
Did you just close the toolbar, or did you disable VfSU from Window > Preferences > Extensions ?
You need to do the latter.yes, I've done both ways...
Finally, I tried to remove the VRayToys first, then put it back...
Weird, VRayToys can work again like it should
But, when i try to Load VRay, it takes 15-20 minute to Appear
Is there something i done wrong? please help... -
Does it do that if it loads normally? -
@thomthom said:
Does it do that if it loads normally?No Mr.Thom, when i was use SU7, VRay just need 5-10 second to loads with VRayToys
I'm with Win XP Pro SP3 and using VRay 1.48.89, Do i have to re-install my VRay? -
I'm confused now.
can i know.. this ruby for .....? -
@thomthom said:
Updated to make Load on Demand compatible with the new VfSU release.
When using VfSU 1.48.66 or newer - you can now enable or disable VfSU from Preferences -> Extensions in SketchUp.
But that will enable VfSU for all SU sessions. If you want to enable VfSU in just one session then use V-Ray Toys->Start V-Ray.Thank you for creating the updated script. This is working for me on SU 8 with V-Ray 01.48.89. Does anyone know of a method to disable VfSU automatically (without having to go into Preferences -> Extensions)? I know this is a one time step, however I may be using V-Ray Toys in a company environment to offer the option of loading V-Ray upon demand. I am looking for a way to have the default state of SU 8 such that it will NOT load V-Ray. This was possible under SU 7 as one could simply rename the ruby script file to ".disabled". It seems that the way scripts load are a bit different under SU 8. If anyone knows of the file or registry location where the information regarding the disabled extension is being stored in SU 8 I would appreciate it.