Selection idea
i'm pretty sure this doesn't exist but it's something i've wished for for a long time..
[i dunno, maybe it could be added to selection toys or something?
i could try to describe it but this video i was watching last night shows exactly what i'm thinking:
[skip to 55 seconds for the selection part]in the video, it stops at forks.. might be cool to also have a filter based on the angle between segments (if that makes any sense.. sort of like the soften/smooth edges dialog)
[edit] oh, i'm not talking about the cutting/moving/isolating functions etc.. just that selection method
what codec does that movie clip use? I can't play it...
See it now.
I was actually thinking of this kind of selection tool today...
@unknownuser said:
in the video, it stops at forks.. might be cool to also have a filter based on the angle between segments
or also why not : always right or left at each fork!
I can see two different usages.
A tool where you click an edge and it continues to select edges that lies within a given angle tolerance, via the VCB, until there are no more connected edges or it forks to a point where there are two possible routes.
Second tool, similar, but do not select the whole segment. Instead add one at a time when you use Up and Down arrow keys to increase the selection. Maybe Left/Right to add/remove in either end.
You got my vote!
one thing to note is that some of the functions of this hypothetical plugin do already exist..
in fredo's curviloft, it's great how you can select one segment of, say, and exploded arc and all of the segments will be selected.. or, you can select, in one click, a line(or group of lines) that typically require you manually selecting each piece then welding together in order to get one click selecting.. i'd love to be able to one-click these strings of lines then weld without having to manually go through each one..curviloft also has max edge angle and a toggle for stopping at intersections..
it'd be neat if those features could see a wider range of uses..
@unknownuser said:
or also why not : always right or left at each fork!
i could see that working out in certain cases but it could also lead to bad selections..
i dunno, i think the key would be making it very quick to call up.. ie- no dialog boxes etc.. maybe a settings dialog or something if deemed necessary..
standard select is spacebar and i'd try to set this one to shift-spacebar.. i'm pretty sure i, and a lot of other people, would use it quite a bit..