Weird Measurement Anomoly
This would be hard for me to do Jeff, as it usually involves an action that happens earlier on in the process,( i.e. typing in the parameters of the rectangle that will form the basis of the model, say 36', 24'), and then further down the line pulling of a measurement that indicates that it is 36' 1/16".
I usually type in my parameters, be it length of line, tape tool, or rectangle, so I'm sure I'm not adding 1/16". It has happened more than once, but as I said most of my clients wouldn't question the discrepancy, as it usually ends up as a visual, not a dimensioned drawing. -
i dunno, i use sketchup for working drawings all the time.. often way more complex than boxy type construction.. i've never once found a mathematical error by sketchup itself and if i did come across a discrepancy, i could trace it back to myself and/or my drawing method..
my post was more directed at otis though who is seemingly saying that in his .skp file, 1 + 1 = 3.
here's a thread from a while back where the user was saying something similar.. maybe something like this is happening to otis? -
Well there is no doubt that during the process I could have done something that bumped the measurement, the same way I sometimes inadvertently erase something in an cleanup. I will be paying more attention.
First thing might be to check to make sure the Units Precision is set to the most precise. If it isn't, the dimensions can be rounded off.
Interesting, although my precision was set to 1/64, snapping was at 1/16, so that may have been my problem. That's why these threads are so valuable. Thanks
I knew it had to be me, or is it. Here's the frame in question. Somehow it don't work out right, I think.
Notice the one opening at 9 9/16" when measured directly, then add up the measuremnts taken from the top down, or visa versa.I work to 1/64" BTW.
didn't realize you were using the dimension tool as a means of measuring.. using that won't include the '~' in front of the dimensions.
if you measure your distances with the line tool or the tape measure , then you'll see that your distances are written like " ~9 9/16" .. (notice the ~ symbol in front of the numbers.. that means approximately)
the accuracy in the file is set to 1/16" so sketchup will only go down to 16ths.. if the real dimension is say 5/64 then sketchup will display ~1/16" which is the closest 16th to 5/64.
you can change the accuracy in model info -> units but even then, this file still has the '~' symbol showing up in front of some of the measurements.. (meaning some of your rails are placed at 128ths" or smaller)
Dang, you're right. I always work to 1/64, so I didn't even check to see that somehow the units got changed. My bad
here's a version drawn to the specs i think you're after.. (also cleaned up some weird things in there... hidden vs. softened lines.. if those were intentionally hidden instead of soft, sorry)
the left/right measurements were a little screwy as well but it's now exactly 31 x 48
Thanks Jeff, that looks good. I know I've had a brain fart when I look at my spelling.
A-N-O-M-A-L-Y. There , I knew I could do it
Hi folks.
Make sure that you disable length snapping in Model infos --> Units. It may create unwanted snaps on an invisible grid that may not match your intended intervals.
Since SU can accept precise values and its inference engine is also precise, I don't use this feature.
Just ideas.