Linking attributes to external file
Hi everyone,
Im looking to do the opposite of the generate report function and import values for my attributes, such as price, positions, sizes etc from an excel file. I have no idea how to link any of them to any external source though. Any ideas? Perhaps theres a plugin for that? Looking through alot of the other posts that seems to be pretty common here, which is awesome! Thanks alot. -
TIG has posted some great examples of how to read from a CSV file (basic spreadsheet type data). It would be quite possible to make a plugin that that updated components from info based on the CSV file. It is out of my scope of abilities right now, but if you have any interest in tackling that script yourself, there are lots of people here who like to help. Or maybe depending exactly how much needs to be updateable, someone might even write up a starter script.
thanks for the answer, any chance you might have a link to this material? I'm currently rolling through TIG's posts but theres 238 pages (mans a hero!) and so far no luck. No luck with searching CSV or related topics either. Cheers.
Oops, sorry I didn't give a link.
I dug around a bit and I found this thread where he writes up a snippet of code that will import x,y,z data from a CSV file. So you would just want the beginnings that shows how to read the file into SketchUp. And then you would need to figure out a way to assign properties to components and such inside your model.
Sorry I am not much help here right now. His code is good, but it's not everything you need. So it will require some more work to get it to even begin to do what you want.