No Plot Layer?
Does there exist in one of the existing Layer rubies some one has made, or is it possable to make something that will:like reference notes and dimensions on a layer I can view on screen, but it will not plot or print when outputed?, Like a "Defpoints" layer in ACAD, or checking a no plot box in the layer manager? Without having manually put things on special layers and toggling it off with a different saved view tab every time you want to view it?
Matte -
@matte said:
Does there exist in one of the existing Layer rubies some one has made, or is it possable to make something that will:
like reference notes and dimensions on a layer I can view on screen, but it will not plot or print when outputed?, Like a "Defpoints" layer in ACAD, or checking a no plot box in the layer manager? Without having manually put things on special layers and toggling it off with a different saved view tab every time you want to view it?
MatteEverything that is visible will print out.
But you can easily make a new layer for TEXT or DIMS etc and have that switched on in one Scene Tab but off in the others. Set that Scene Tab properties to only change layers, so that everything else you have set, like the view itself are not changed when toggling the tab. Scene tabs can be set to change only layers on/off and keep views etc unchanged - it is a quick way to change things.
To put any existing Text or Dims onto the layer simply select them and use the Layer-Toolbar drop-down to assign the new layer - if that layer happens to be off then the object will 'disappear'... -
That should do the trick!