Classical living room Twilight render
reallllly great render as usual, BTW as I experienced maybe re-modeling (and so using components ...etc) or using 3dwarehouse model could reduse the whole time/model size
Very nice Fred
Details: perhaps you could increase a bit the shininess of the floor and use a higher poly columns.
thats awsome i had to look a couple times to see if it wasn't a modified photo! in the end the only thing that gave it away was the columns, they don't quite fit, looks like they where photo shopped in after for some reason.
that is incredible, your materials are spot on!
Thanks to all for your comments and advises...
So, Here is an updated image, I have changed the columns by one model found in the warehouse, also add some lights on the ceilings.
6h30 same preset, PP with neat image and ACDsee pro...
ahh, much better columns.
definitely PR now!
fred where did you get the IES for the spots? they look fantastic, really nice! scene looks amazing now! floor looks better too now it doesn't have that big blurry reflection.
Here is an updated image, pushed by Fletch to improve this scene, and thanks to him, i think that now it's much better and you ?...
Oli thanks, here is the ies I have used...