Request plugin to help 2d drawing
Hey i do alot of 2d dafting in sketch up and it would be great if somebody could create a plugin to lock the view in top view so that i dont accidentally rotate which tends to happen using sketch up??
i do have that tool but theres no option to lock view?
It doesn't lock the view. but it does constrain the snapping to a flat 2D plane in plan.
You can't "lock" a view in the API.
I suggest that you set up a plan view without perspective and save it as a scene-tab named '2Dplan': remember that you can leave other options unchecked, so it just affects the camera view and leaves layers etc as they are.
Now train yourself to use 'pan' rather than 'orbit' [which would take you out of the plan view into 3D].
If you do go to 3D then click on the '2Dplan' scene-tab to quickly take you back to the 2D plan... you can use the various 'zoom' tools in combination with 'pan' - just avoid using 'orbit'! -
Don't know if it is possible to use a little app or a second mouse and disable the rotate function.
If you are in parallel view and use the pan function via shortcut, you can't loose control of the ground plane. -
do you have drivers for your mouse? my logitech allows me to customize button functions per program... so theoretically you might be able to lock out the middle mouse button as 'orbit'. i doubt you'll be able to switch it to pan... so you'll be stuck grabbing for icons whenever you need to move around your drawings.