[WIP]SCF Globe Render
The 30 Minute Challenge submission led to some render DOF tests. Kinda like the plastic minature feel to this.
I've attached the file if anyone wants to play? It's had materials tweaked in Twilight.
thanks Rich...
excellent Rich
for fun: KitoRaupp's Pencil, SketchUp Tutorial
Does anyone personally know Kito Raupp?
His approach to modeling in Sketchup would suggest gifted experience in other modeling programs. I once searched for any public information regarding him, because I was really astounded at his methodology.
With all due respect to Herr Raupp.Why does he not comment in this forum? He has plenty of submissions in YouTube.
Hi Mitcorb,
I think the same that it would be great to deal with him into SCF.You can write to him as I have done one time through YOUTUBE messages.
He had replied me (something I can tell because it was not very private):
@unknownuser said:
Dear Simon Bonnet,
I can not speak good english.
I speak sorbish and german.
I happy to see your very good video.
I hope that many people can see
this video from you, also in YouTube.
SketchUp is a beautiful program.
I've since October 2005 with SketchUp played, just for fun.
Before one or two years, I had these ideas.
They are also in Google 3D Warehouse in Collection Kito.(sorbish)
it was relative to my: SketchUp: KitoRaupp_PotterySorry Rich to "Bump" a little your thread
I stop here.