Recent Works Gallery :::::
Those are amazing !
You just proved that we need another gallery (sort of a 'best of'-gallery where only the best works can be shown => I almost missed yours.)
It 's that sort of works that keeps my spirits high and makes me want to try even harder ...
Keep posting ! (Even your 'crap' will probably be better than everything I will come up with
Thanks for sharing ...
Ah I see what you mean. I stand corrected!
I know what you mean re Max and Vray. It's a far superior combination especially guess shift plus the additional Vray features missing in VFSU like Vrayoverridemtl. The shell structure must've been a pain to get right but you've done a cracking job as it all looks excellent.
Thank again all, found another old (strange) project i was quite pleased with: UPDATED FIRST POST
Nice one. You are really good at using Photoshop.
I don't even know what to say to be honest.
Breath taking images in a different league.How much would you say is SU modelled and how much is Max?
Im guessing a lot of the vegetation is done in max. -
Thanks for sharing bru !
This really makes me wanna work harder ! Thanks for that ! -
fREE Agent
Super renders and thanks.
What is the people source?
Really work well in context.
Back to the drawing board ( if any still are around )Cheers
I love these renders
thanks all for the kind words
the vegetation is usually always photoshopped in, quite a few people libraries, Got3d, Epictor, E3DST, Dosch and my most commonly used people are from (free)
Dylan: Very little of these was modeled in max, i only model in max if i need to make chairs,cushions or more organic structures.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
For posting again.
Thought we may have lost you to the MAX crowd.
Yet again your images inspire me to sleep no more and practice practice practice.Blown away again.
Hope your getting enough time to enjoy the WC.
Thats mind blowing man!
Free Agent again.
Thx for the people info.
Very critical to lock in a PR render.One little thing please.
(the file of the running bug)I promised not to use it here but what fun and just drives me C
raz y
A collectors item.Cheers
Dtrarch: just right click and save
I updated the first post added a raw render of the first render, quite a big difference there too.
photoshop wizard! really well done mate! top knotch professional work
The bug lives
Thx for the heads-up.Your renders are a real study in what PR is supposed to look like.
Real keepers.dtr
Another raw added
extra render added + bushlodge raw render
Wow... incredible!
your rendering surely look like actual image.. the lighting and design composition is very wll made.
marvelous job! -
I've been holding off on responding, because what can be said that hasnt been said...awesome!
you really need to make us a tutorial one of these days!