Zebra Imaging 3D Holograms
No programm for kill the background sound?
At least it looks like many of us won't be annoyed by those vuvuzelas any more, after this week
The football on TV could do with a filter... -
Where can I find out about "laser scans of as-is areas"? Anyone familiar with that technology?
Wow, thanks for the link!
Here it is again, another manifestation of the quest for holy grale of CG-industry - the perfect illusion.
Looks like a really interesting product - makes me wanna find out more about it.xxx
I saw this technology a while ago. They are working on outputting these things from SU (second to last paragraph).
http://www.vector1media.com/dialogue/interviews/7837-interview-3d-holograms-and-the-potential-for-holographic-display -
Its amazing how that can happen...
remember I been thrown into this 3-D universe for barely a year now.
Maybe I was a bit too exited - the picture they show might not be only a photography.
Or what does this subtitle mean "1-meter Alpha Prototype with simulated volume image"?
However, I just thought it is still impossible to project an image into space without a physical volume.
If the buildings could really be seen beyond the film...
...huh, you all knew that its a photomontage? God, I must be naive.Similar to to the holographic projection is a brand new technology that can be printed large like a billboard and viewed from long distance:
Curious if this product will make it into the market. I've heard that prismatic foils are really difficult to get right.
Good luck to the follow-me mega-posters -
@tig said:
At least it looks like many of us won't be annoyed by those vuvuzelas any more, after this week :roll:
The football on TV could do with a filter...Wounder what it would take to move this technology to the boob tube. Of course, Sam Sung would have to dispose of their current inventory first
forget what i said, I just realized that i missed the youtube link, argh...