Is the Gallery section starting to resemble 3DWH?
lol I believe you were the one calling newbies a bunch of wankers. . .
@Nola: me too, but many people don't. How about this: On 3dVia there is a system where every fortnight or so admins make a top-ten of the models uploaded in that week. Seems a bit farfetched buuuut, my suggestion is keep the gallery as it is, with all wip's and finished models and renders mixed together, then every fortnight or something admins choose a selection of the projects that are in the gallery to be put in a special 'showcase'. This creates the eliteness that the pro's want, and keeps all the pro and other models together that us 'wankers' want (no baz, i'm not letting that go)
Why, i think that plan is rather outstanding! Great job, Hobbnob!
Guys don1t get me wrong and don't misunderstand others either; this is not a newbie vs. "old pro" debate. In fact we created the Newbie forum back some three years ago when this forum started to encouragethe newbies to post and help them not be scared away by those more experienced and not to separate them. The normal way living together and working together can only be if we all find some kind of modus vivendi and everyone finds his/her joy (or help or anything) in these forums.
I am not opposed to keeping WIP's in the gallery, they should just be marked as such. And then have finalized works be posted in the gallery.
My personal preference would be to have people not post WIP's at all. I think people should post with direct questions. If you have a question, post it. Otherwise, wait until the thing is done before you show it off. Because it does get a bit tedious to follow a thread that takes 50 posts to add 25 lines to a model (regardless of skill level or model subject).
So if we do decide that WIP's are awesome and necessary, so be it. I voted to give them their own forum somewhere. If we choose to not give them a forum, lets at least get [WIP] added to all titles so we can easily ignore them, or follow them daily depending on our own preferences.
@chris fullmer said:
lets at least get [WIP] added to all titles so we can easily ignore them
My point exactly, people aren't willing to help out anymore.
Hmm, not necesarily. I've never been a great help in the gallery. Its not where my strength is. I help everyone vey often in pretty much every other forum. Spending time telling people how to light something differently in a model is not something I really enjoy doing. I'm also not that fond of WIP's in general. So I'd rather ignore them. BUT, putting [WIP] in the title (like quite a few people including yourself) are doing makes it easy to ignore WIP threads. AND (this is the part you conveniently ignored in your quote above) it also makes it easy for people who ARE interested in those threads to target them and follow them closely.
How many questions have you answered in the ruby forum? Should I think less of you for it? No, of course not. So please don't think less of me if I choose to stick with what I'm better at.
That's fair enough Chris, and I am sorry for taking your quote out of context. What I am trying to say is that there are many people out there who are good at modelling on su and who could help out, but they simply don't because they have something against newbies, as many people have said before.
But what about non-newbies? They get ignored sometimes as well, so its not really just a focus on newbie users...
If by non-newbies you mean users who aren't new to su but aren't considered 'experts' then they are very much in the same boat as the newbies IMHO, not very much critical posts from the experts. By critical I do not mean "it's crap", I mean "this need's work, and this needs changing to this". A very good example of what I consider a 'good post' was from liam887. He said what he thought of the work, and gave advice on how I could improve. It's people like this that I came to this forum for. Good modellers that are willing to help out a guy in need
I find that people here are very helpful. I think it involves asking a real question and that depends on the OP.
Also don't forget the WIP's by experienced modelers/renderers. There are many of these and I enjoy seeing the processes they use. Usually these posts are prefaced with something like: "hey guys I'm trying a new NPR technique, still working it out, what do you think?". Or someone may show the beginnings of a very complex model like Disc World, a movie set, a helicopter, or train. It's inspiring to see this, and makes sense when presented in context. Of course many such WIP's are presented artfully at the same time, e.g. by clay renders.
@hobbnob said:
If by non-newbies you mean users who aren't new to su but aren't considered 'experts' then they are very much in the same boat as the newbies...
That is the group of people i am talking about...
It seems that there might be a prejudice against certain models, i.e. "yet another car model". I got into SU because of architecture, but I really enjoy trying to model different things with it - architecture only being about 70% of my output. To discourage or ignore modelers based on a dislike of non-architectural (or whatever one's preference is) items is not a good thing. I also hope this doesn't into a "pro" vs. "newbie" thing. Who decides what constitutes a gallery-worthy render? Does it have to be a native SU render?
Frankly if we could implement a rating system similar to that used over at the CGSociety Forums that allows the community to judge and vote what gets into the gallery it would be best, not necessarily an admin (not insinuating anything at all) that may have a bias or prejudice against models not of a certain type. IMO a gallery work should be a finished work subject to C&C, not a WIP; making it into the gallery should be a rarity, best of the best as it were, not just any old nice SU render of another house with a watercolor style.
God save admins from judging...
Just leave it the way it is now. We will never be able to police people on putting titles on there threads or getting them to put there threads in the right sub forum. And if we make sub forums this just makes more work for the people who run sketchucation which isn't a good thing.
Well, this is what moderators are for.
Actually, some better organization makes their job easier. And tagging topics is also something that makes it easer for us.Yesterday Jim started to tag all "how to..." topics with the [Tutorial] tag. This tagging makes it possible to list [Plugin]'s in the search etc.
(Note that I am not necessarily on either "side" in this but trying to "provoke" people to express their thought about it)
I am still pretty undecided about it. If this is about "rearranging" sketchucation and making it more organized, and as long as itΒ΄s not intended for the sole purpose of "segregation", so be it.
BTW I used to think WIP meant "work in progress" - until that "wanking" issue
@numbthumb said:
...... BTW I used to think WIP meant "work in progress" - until that "wanking" issue
This is a good debate and I imagine we will reach a consensus on what is the best thing to do ALSO it looks like we are holding on to our sense of humor ..... most important
I agree that something needs to be done. Most of us are mature enough to take critisim, whether it is positive or negative. If you post work in a WIP gallery it should be open for comments, otherwise why are you posting it at all? If it is in a gallery and by you considered finished, be open to comments. If that same work makes it into a "Showcase" gallery then it has already been deemed worthy of being in this arena and should be closed for comments. If someone can not be mature enough to hear a possible negative comment then don't post work. I think the reason some posts do not get much attention is that some do not deserve it. I will not point fingers but slightly modifying another persons work does not give you the right to collect all the praise for the complete model. Be respectful to the original modeler and state what you have done to modify it and then that portion of the work can be judged. Don't import other file format models and claim they are "your" work (most anyone who has been around long enough knows that is not yours). If the model was built in another modeling software, then imported into sketchup only to be rendered in lets say twilight for sketchup, then why is it on here at all? Should it not be on the forum for the modeling software or the twilight forum? Sketchup was no part if it other than a bridge to twilight. While I love this forum and have learned much from it I feel it is time for it to evolve. We have as much of a responsibility to showcase outstanding works in a place where they can be seen easily by industry professionals looking for talent, as we do for regulating crap.