Add control points on multi picked lines (polylines)??
Is there any plugin that is used to add construction/control points on multi selected vertical lines or polylines at the same time? As I want to create a terrain surface (LSS Tool) but painful to add one control point at the end of each line one by one..
Thanks in advance! -
whats LSS.
It was mentioned by Jim in his blog here but it's no longer available?
To be honest I found it very buggy and removed it! It contained most of Kirill's plugins in one toolbar with some extras!
Please give some precision to what you want (only vertical lines ?, a guide point at 2 ends of these lines or just at the upper-most point ?).
This should be very easy to do. Just ask -
@didier bur said:
Please give some precision to what you want (only vertical lines ?, a guide point at 2 ends of these lines or just at the upper-most point ?).
This should be very easy to do. Just askhi guys,
As a terrain surface created by different elevation height points so I create multi vertical lines with diff. heights and at the end of line (upper most of the line) has to add a control point and then I use LSS tool from Kirill to collect those control points to create the terrain surface. As I want to find is there any plugin that can create/add control (or construction) points on group of vertical lines at the same time not add manually control point one by one on each line. This is similar to add control point to a curve but this is for a line (start/end vertices....), I don't know is that possible? -
@gaieus said:
You mean something like this?
Yes, something like that with control points created on either end of line, could you tell me what kind of plugin is that? or how to find? and may be I can use that application in mine!!
Download the zip and install it, and you're done
@hgdn said:
could you tell me what kind of plugin is that?
It is (going to be) Vertex Tools but has not been published yet, sorry...
See what Didier has posted OR run the sandbox > from contours tool on your vertical lines and it will create a mesh for you. You can then easily manipulate it with the stamp and smoove tools.
@didier bur said:
Something like this ? It adds guide points at the most elevated end of each line of the selection, skips horizontal lines.
Unzip it in Plugins folder, restart SU,
Select your lines,
Go to Plugins menu and select "Add guide points to lines"
Tell me if it is exactly what you want.N.B.: In the next release of my "cloud" plugin, there will be an option to export a points cloud right from lines,faces,curve,polylignes, to CSV format.
Oh!! That is exactly of what I am looking for, this is a right place to ask for.....many thanks to you guys for helping. It seems there are a lot of exciting plugins coming from Didier Bur!!
Something like this ? It adds guide points at the most elevated end of each line of the selection, skips horizontal lines, removes doubles (only one point added at lines intersections).
Unzip it in Plugins folder, restart SU,
Select your lines,
Go to Plugins menu and select "Add guide points to lines"
Tell me if it is exactly what you want.N.B.: In the next release of my "cloud" plugin, there will be an option to export a points cloud right from lines, faces, curves, polylignes, to CSV format.