Scifi Sketchup Modeling
Hi Liam welcome back i missed your fantastic work....hope you get up to speed soon.....
WOW nice!!!
Now I understand why I have seen some of your models before... because they have been put into a game. Was it Unreal Tournament 3 mod?? (LOL cant remember where I saw them)
No, not that I know of but ive released a few it wouldnt be impossible. But to my knowledge none of my work is in any unreal tournament mod?
As far as I know these are the only games with my models in:
Thanks its a bit of a pain working in windows rather than MacOS but ill get used to it eventually.
Well in that case they had very similar ship designs.
yeah maybe, I take influence from a lot of places anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if others ha made similar models?
Anyway finished for today, not going too complicated would like to try and UV map this when its done.
last update for today:
Fantastic I like the clean yet detailed look of the vehicle/weapon....brilliant well done
Fantastic, clean model, I like that!
finished the basic shape add some details then see what I can do about textures.
This is great! I look forward to seeing it with a few textures, what program do you use to make them?
....erm I use sketchup lol!
bad news macbook pro broke compete HD and logic board failure, lost all work! Only took three days tho so will probably make it again when it comes back from apple next week
emm ok I'll rephrase that: what program do you use to create the textures, or do you get them from a website?
sorry, erm make the textures in photoshop and apply them in 3dsmax, have to re-build the model again from scratch now anway first!
The whole thread is stuffed with great models mate, I especially like your last one. I saw you are featured on some mods and u truly deserve it
thanks, still havent heard back from apple so no more stuff for now, hopefully its completley dead and they will give me a new computer fingers crossed
got it back but everything was wiped so been cleaning up this old model and going to actually get it finished now lol.
some new renders of the cleaned up power armor:
And then some pics of the first models I ever did in SU a few years back! wow they are crap, at the time I thought they where amazing its good to look back and see how far ive come using SU and now modelling in max too.
Back then I had no idea of grouping, components, intersection etc it was all a bit of a mess really.
The two houses and little spaceship where my first ever go, probably spent a whole day on it also, the others are a bunch of other stuff I made in the following months.
The last two images are models i made form the star wars universe, they are the first 'real' models I created using Sketchup. Probably going back to 2007 here so its been quite a while. Just thought I would post and share for others to see my first forays into 3D and SU!!!!
Very cool new production!