Scifi Sketchup Modeling
Smoking....ship looks great ..cant wait to see the "night lights" great work
yeah thats still a long way off!
On another note here is some concept art for some game for the xbox live arcade that ive been working on with some people across the pond!
Made in sketchup then exported to max10 for somebody else to texture etc.
Great as usual
havent really done anything for a month while on holidays but started this for my animation in Uni today, its just making an lld model from scratch again and much better:
For me it is the clean uncomplicated look that makes you "weapons" look so lethal good work keep posting
Yeah im going to go all out with this one, two posts above you can see ive blocked out the whole ship and form the last post you can see ive started the detailing. Im trying to keep everything functional so no stupid things poking out anywhere, I thought I had done a lot then I put the bridge tower back on the ship and realised just how much I had to do if I wanted to keep the same consistent level of detail! Anyway ll just push through im sure it will be worth it when its done glad you like it.
Got better renders but kerk has frozen im just going to leave it on and see what happens!
Anyway im doing a game mod with some people across the pond, getting actual sketchup models onto the PC again its great! Anyway here is a destroyer class ship still a WIP but nearlly done.
Nice striking emblem, looking good
Been busy with RL stuff and have only got my computer working again after many months. Thought I would start a new mini project to familiarize myself with SU again and my workflow.
Inspired by one of the vehicles in crysis video game, here it is so far. Using SU for PC now instead of MAC so things are moving slower as all the keyboard shortcuts are different need to get used to these new ones!
Hi Liam welcome back i missed your fantastic work....hope you get up to speed soon.....
WOW nice!!!
Now I understand why I have seen some of your models before... because they have been put into a game. Was it Unreal Tournament 3 mod?? (LOL cant remember where I saw them)
No, not that I know of but ive released a few it wouldnt be impossible. But to my knowledge none of my work is in any unreal tournament mod?
As far as I know these are the only games with my models in:
Thanks its a bit of a pain working in windows rather than MacOS but ill get used to it eventually.
Well in that case they had very similar ship designs.
yeah maybe, I take influence from a lot of places anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if others ha made similar models?
Anyway finished for today, not going too complicated would like to try and UV map this when its done.
last update for today:
Fantastic I like the clean yet detailed look of the vehicle/weapon....brilliant well done