Lessonplan For Teaching SketchUp To Grade/Middle School Ages
I wish I knew the answers to all those great questions. Right now she plays a few Nick Jr. games and that kind of stuff. But I too would prefer that she do things like SketchUp instead of that. So as it stands, we let her use the computer to paint in photoshop with my tablet. She likes to draw people and trees. She's good enough to be able to delete everything, save a file, change color and brushes. I haven't spent enough time with her in sketchUp though. she can draw shapes and push/pull them and color things. But I normally have to help her change tool between line, rectangle, circle, paint bucket. But she really has taken to it quite well and very fast. I like her working in a 3d app like SU. Seems like it should help her with spacial skills and stuff. So from what I've read in this thread, I should have a few lessons worked out for her to try and finish. THen maybe she'd learn even faster. I like the idea. I wish she was a little older and better at SU. Then I could have her making all my SU models for school
I guess I'll have plenty of time in my post-collegiate professional career to put her to good use though
Thanks for responding! You have given me some ideas. I never thought of PS but it seems like a natural and not as messy as my early ons. Knowing what your daughter is doing, and can do, in SU is very helpful also. I definitely agree about spatial relationships and such.
If you ever come up with some lessons and have time to share I would really appreciate knowing about some of the lessons you develop. First off I will try them and if I have reasonable learning success I will pass along what little I master to boy wonder and let him have a go at it. The hard parts I will try to discuss with him so he can explain the how toβs later. Rubies seem to have a big future. As soon as he can read a few more words I think I will try to find him a good book about that stuff.
@linea said:
@unknownuser said:
If they can use a mouse they can learn SU all by them little selves
This is really bad advice. Don't rely on students teaching themselves anything useful, they won't thank you for it and if the other teachers notice you won't have a job for long.
he he... I didn't mean to just walk in, sit down, put your feet up on the desk, pull your hat over your eyes and nod off.
The project I mentioned in my post would be something like a bird house or a rabbit hutch. If they already do woodworking then get one of the plans they have made already. The first thing I made in woodwork was a pencil box.
That way they already have a reference and measurements of what they are going to create in SU.
My wife and I have 3 older kids, ages 10-12 whom we teach at home full time. Part of their curriculum the past two years has been learning Sketchup. I think there are a lot of great mathematical and analytical problem solving techniques that can be gained through using sketchup. This year, we decided to incorporate sketchup into a bigger "major" for each of the kids. We had each child pick a subject of interest. My youngest daughter wants to be a veterinarian, so her curriculum was structured around biology and animal studies. We incorporated sketchup by having her design and build an animal rescue center. She had to do a few weeks of paper sketching before even beginning in SU. My older daughter is involved in riding and boarding horses, so that was her "major" and she used Sketchup to model an entire horse farm. My son wants to be an animator, so he used SU for conceptualizing his story boards, but used Silo for all his character modeling.
I also educate other "adults" in my field about using SU, and I can tell you that my kids picked it up in a tenth of the time as the adults. I think fundamentally, kids are more apt to get it, as technology is something that is ingrained from the time they were born. Don't underestimate the level at which kids can understand. My 11 year old son has now produced several animations in 3ds Max and my 12 year old daughter is a Pro at Photoshop. It's all about raising "no limit" kids.
Hey all,
So today was the hour run-down with the fourth grade class. Overall it went very well, the kids were absolutely pumped about the software. First of all I went through and explained why we would use software such as SU and what it is used for. Next I explained where you may use it in a job. We opened up the program and I showed them the basic tools (rec, line, circle, push/pull.) I taught they about the X & Y axis and used the push/pull tool to demonstrate the third, Z, axis. They were really pumped about the push/pull tool. I had them use these tools to create a cube and then add a roof. They were really excited about this. I really ran out of time and was hoping that I could have them put brick and shingles on the roof but it didn't work out. I showed them a couple things on the projector, like downloading a semi off the 3DWH and then scaled the house to fit the semi. This really showed them the importance of scale and measurements. I was hoping to have more time to let them loose.
I would say about half of the group of 18 was following really well and could have gone much faster. This was the toughest part of the class, challenging all of the students and meeting them where they are skill-wise. I finished off by showing them the Massive Black video which really got them excited.I told them that they draw all of their characters and vehicles using the same tools that we learned about and they were pretty surprised about that. They all wrote down the address to download it from and hopefully they will go home and play with it. I recommended them to keep their eyes open and try draw everyday objects that you may find in your house or outside and not to be afraid to play with it and, at times, fail.
It was a fun experience and makes my respect teachers that much more
Thanks all for your responses and tips, really did help!
nice to hear that your class was a success. hopefully we got some new followers in our religious course
Anyone know of any new books or information developed or being developed that is dedicated to the use of SketchUP for children? My boy wonder (by association I naturally think this way) is 5 years old now, reading pretty well and clicking everywhere in SU but we need a plan and some methodical lessons to work from. He seems to learn quick and I look forward to his learning all he can very soon so he can start teaching me some stuff.
I am aware of Bonnie Roskes but not sure what she has going these days. I have emailed her but the emails don't get through. I have called and left a message, phone number and email address but have not received a reply.
I am looking for any and everything avaliable. Any information offered will be helpful and appreciated.
Blair, Bonnie is still very much active with her SketchUp Books, particularly the ones for children.
Is is possible you have old out of date contact information.She has a fairly new website and her contact information is on this page of here site:
http://www.3dvinci.net/ccp0-contact/KHXCseo.htmlLast week was a religious holiday so perhaps she was unavailable at the time. I am sure if you have the correct contact info, you will definitely hear from her. Her books are the best bet.
Thanks Susan!
It must have something to do with the holiday. -
Bonnie responded to my voice message. She seems to have some email problems. I ordered these books (link below) looked them over and they look very very good for what I need and want to do. I would recommend these books to anyone that wants to get a little one started with SU which I think can be an excellant learning tool. Still interested in knowing about anything else out there that might be good to work with.
I am excited, soon, wonder boy can teach me some stuff.