Problem Importing Terrain from GE to Sketchup...
Hi Annabel,
The only thing I found in the help center is for PC:
although it also says "Mac users: A new issue that produces this error was recently discovered. We're currently working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. 5/15/2009" Now that's from a year ago. I don't know what Google's found out about this error on the Mac ever since
I am on a PC so I am not sure how to troubleshoot your problem however I would rather move your topic to the Bug reports section than leave it here.
Edit; for a very quick solution, you can create a placemark in GE where you want that snapshot and attach it here. I will load it in my GE, take the snapshot for SU and upload my file for you so that you can at least work with it until the problem is resolved.
Hey Gaieus,
Thanks very much for replying to my post - I really appreciate that.
Do you mean that you will move my post to the bug section, or should I do it?
Thanks again,
Hi Annabel,
I have already moved it. You could not (only moderators can).
Also, see my edit in my above post (I did not know you were coming back so quickly as you were offline when I answered)
Wow, Gaieus - that would be a huge help to me.
I'm going to ask a silly question now - I have made a placemark in the center of the land area I need - what file format do I save it in, to post on this site? I'm just thinking that you need something that gives you the coordinates, no?
Sorry about these questions
When you make a placemark, it will appear on the side, under your places. Right click and "Save as..." It will save as a kmz file (or maybe kml?). Upload that; it will contain the co-ordinates and my GE will "fly" to the exact location you had in yours.
Here are two files. One with your original placemark while I zoomed in a bit in the second one in case it is better to work that way.
As a "bonus", I swapped the B&W images to colour ones for you.
We have no Mac issues at this time (a possible interaction from other applications on the Mac could cause a conflict), and it's been fixed for almost a year now. If someone is having Mac issues and is on the current build (7.1), please let me know.
Superb! Thank you so much for your help - opened up with sketchup and it's working a dream.
Have a great day Gaieus!
Hi Annabel,
Please, make sure you have the latest (update) of your SU version. "Rumours" say it should have a fix for your problem.
As for my great day - I am having it.
Cool! I'm attaching the kmz file, and as I am not completely sure what I am doing
, I'm also attaching a screenshot of the area I need...just in case.
Many thanks.