Verticals? Where? What are Verticals?
Right now, Im working on Spanish roof tiles.
I dont like the ones above, they are to small and to flat.I got the idea from a blender file i found on the net but
im using the dimensions of google roof tiles.
See images below.
Just exclaiming my anal view that for a great image ensure you keep vertical lines vertical in your camera setup! It may not ruin an image not to do so but it sure will ruin the page in which it sits. Also any graphic artist putting renders to a page will likely fix this in PS before insertion and this can impact greatly on your image!
Yes, Scott came out with the saying about the stinky butt views.
I still cant figure out what you said about verticals.
Ive heard others from this forum say verticals and i still
cant figure that out, even after you explained it. -
It's a matter of perspective: when you orbit the camera to look up from you (say you are looking at a tall building) the vertical lines of the building are not parallel anymore, because they tend to an infinite point of view.
If you manage to set the camera height equal to the point of view height, in this case only horizontal lines will be in perspective, while vertical lines in the model will be parallel.
Try drawing a cube in Sketchup, orbit around it, then go to Camera>2D perspective.
It should give you the idea.
Oh, Ok. I didnt know that option was there in sketchUp. Thanks, That
helps alot. Im going to try to use this ruby script param_camera.rb
to get the the Info about cam location, angle and such. -
An update. This is boring. I guess its good for practicing.
Here is a close up. Im not going to say anything
about the grass coming out of the concrete to the
lower right. There is also another error from the
leafs casting the shadows.
How did you manage to get reflections from the sky clouds on the windows? Could you describe how you did that?
Ok, sketchup_fan.
There is a blender file that can help you with the glass
material here:
http://www.allanbrito.com/2007/07/26/exemplos-de-modelagem-arquitetonica-com-blender/Just go down that page and download the file from Krzysztof Nowacki (gucias):
http://www.gucias.republika.pl/scenasimple/2towers.zip -
Here's an update. RoofTiles look small and i might need to stretch
them out in the x direction or i might try the Blender tiles, above.