[Plugin] Smooth Hidden Edges
Plugins -> Smooth Hidden Edges
Iterate the entire model and converts hidden edges to soft & smooth edges.
Made to address this thread: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=15%26amp;t=27327%26amp;start=15
Thanks, Thomas -
thanks, i was just thinking this would make a nice script as i read through the original post.
That is a great idea Thom!, thanks
Can you provide a brief summary as to how that would impact the model, or what the benefit would be, since the edge are hidden?
Sorry, stupid me. Did not read the post.
Nice script and thank you.
Hey ThomThom
I haven't loaded this Ruby yet, but I was scanning for new stuff and saw this.
Suggestion to improve it (sight unseen
) is to test if any hidden lines can be safely removed, if so, remove them, and if not, only then convert them to S&S. You may also want to add a user control to "Yes/No" the deletion for those who want to convert all the lines to S&S.
I've noticed SU has been getting poor at cleaning up hidden lines after an intersect. This all started happening some time ago after I installed some unidentified (as cause) Ruby. Now I can spend considerable time deleting those stray lines, or converting those I can't to S&S.
I like to keep the lines count down, as well as those extraneous hidden lines do cause problems when I edit the face they are on.
Very very handy! This forum is a goldmine!