[REQ] axes memory
there is a plugin called "selection memory" . We need another one for axes . somr thing like AutoCaad's USCs but with a better and quick user interface .
is there some one could writh it and helps us ? It will be vwry useful .
Isn't that Scene Tabs ?
maybe . but it should be for axes only . not other . .... a specified Scene tabs . imagin we have created a animation with 100 tabs and then sorted tabs . this is tab numbers : 10 1 30 42 21 13 ... and if you open a new tab you cant find it and lost others .
or you "hide Rest of Model" and need change axes very qiuckly then go back to previus . ... imagin you have many 3d trees with high geometry ...is it imposible to have a axes memory ? can't you write a script uses only scene tab axes feature ?
No, its not impossible for sure. I think that scene tabs have worked sufficiently well for most people who need to have different axis locations set, so no one has bothered with writing a separate plugin for it.