Bonzai3D - double take
Hey, this is a great thread.
You are using the exact same approach I would take when I would learn new 3D software like B3D.
Diving into it with the SU knowledge we have and see how it goes...First thing that strikes me is: it's not Sketchup
I'll be following this with great intrest...
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hey, this is a great thread.
You are using the exact same approach I would take when I would learn new 3D software like B3D.
Diving into it with the SU knowledge we have and see how it goes...First thing that strikes me is: it's not Sketchup
I'll be following this with great intrest...
Me too, kwist. I'm sitting in the front row complete with popcorn.....
thanks for the encouragement guys, i was starting to wonder if i was the only one that felt this way.
Keep going Rocky, its a great idea
While Rocky's thread will definitely be useful for anyone interested in migrating from SketchUp to bonzai3d (or just adding bonzai3d to your tool set), we would also recommend checking out the FREE Video Tutorials that are available for bonzai3d.
Just click on Videos from the left sidebar of the following page:
We take great pride not only in our software, but the support that we provide as well (hey, we're even here, right?), so if anyone has any questions, feel free to email us directly ( and we shall be happy to respond.
And if you feel enlightened by our reply (and you think it would help others) feel free to post your question and the answer here!
@utiler said:
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hey, this is a great thread.
You are using the exact same approach I would take when I would learn new 3D software like B3D.
Diving into it with the SU knowledge we have and see how it goes...First thing that strikes me is: it's not Sketchup
I'll be following this with great intrest...
Me too, kwist. I'm sitting in the front row complete with popcorn.....
Learning any new 3D system can be a head****. I remember that it took me yonks to change my habits from using Solidworks. ViaCAD was really hard work, until I discovered the 'C' key!!
Same goes believe it or not, with SketchUp too- until I looked at Aidan's brilliant YouTube tutorials. Bonzai3D looks great btw. I'm really looking forward to where it goes too
ok, here we go again. time to place the fridge and stove. since i couldn't figure out how to scale to an exact size, i put dimensions on the appliances then scaled for correct size.
btw, i find it very strange and see no reasoning for the fact that you have to use a place component tool instead of being able to drag and drop from the component palette???
there seem to be quite a few tools in b3d that could just be right click options or in there respective palettes. place component, make component... makes for a hell of a lot of icons that you have to remember where they are. for instance the place and make component tools could be in the component palette, the paint, map texture, edit texture could be in the materials palette etc...
of course this is just my opinion.
well i'm getting really frustrated with all this plane changing stuff. you can't transform in the direction you want unless you have the proper plane active. it took me about 10 mins just to scale and move a fridge and stove into place! i'm going to b3d site again to see if i missed any tricks for this. but it seems b3d could benefit from inference locking like SU or a good old fashioned gizmo like every other 3d software out there
for moving, scaling, etc...
To the B3D support guy,
I can understand your need to defend your product. I think at the same time you need to realize one very important thing. When I open up my Sketchup program 90% of the icons I see on my screen were made by USERS of this forum. This is not even Google's software that we use per se, other than the shell itself. We are all very attached to this software, because collectively WE have made it into what it is. That being said, as Rocky goes through his pains and successes with your software, WE the collective users (and developers) of Sketchup listen with interest, because WE together need to understand how a fellow SU enthusiast will fair with your program. WE as a community have, I think, been looking for a good companion to sketchup to pick up the slack in some areas where SU has it's limits. We want to know, even more than how your software is supposed to function, is how it relates to our existing workflow.....which has been very heavily structured around an intuitive software that has been completely modified and soup'd up by it's users. So, ultimately WE would like to gauge the intuitive nature of B3D as it relates to a SU user, more so than what Rocky is even doing right or wrong. If it fits, then I think there will be quite a few users who would like to incorporate B3D into their designing. I think also, on some level, Rocky's mistakes, are the same mistakes we would make when using the software....if nothing else, out of sheer habit of doing things a certain way for so long. Change is hard, but can be palatable with the right dish.
Well said and I also think that the Bonzai folks are listening and learning about our ways
BTW I see (via email) that b3d are doing a 'bonzai3d Introduction Webinar'. Might be worth checking out.
thanks guys, thats exactly the way i feel.
well its seems i might be a bit hasty on the moving things statement its just a little finicky ;the shift locking; and takes some practice. its seems that the shift key serves two functions. tap it to turn snap to original on/off, and hold it to lock inference. the thing is it seems that the inference locking is a little over sensitive making you be very precise before you press shift or no go.
that being said it does work once you get used to it. (i would still prefer a gizmo though) -
You make an interesting point about moving certain tools to their palettes -- and the ability simply drag a component into a project. We will have to think about these ideas.
Regarding reference plane changing, if you do not want this, just click the Lock Plane icon at the bottom of the screen to prevent this.
We are not trying to "defend" our software as much as we want to try to help Rocky (or anyone else) understand why things work the way they do in bonzai3d. If anyone has questions and they email us, they will get a very quick response that will allow them (hopefully) to understand and get back on track doing what they need to do.
Your point about SU users learning from another's mistakes when trying to learn bonzai3d is 100% correct -- and we encourage Rocky (or anyone else) to post their "errors" -- but hopefully they can do this AND post the "answers" at the same time (because they will have already received them from us). This way they can say "that constantly changing reference plane was driving me crazy -- until I realized that I could turn it off with the lock plane icon at the bottom of the screen" -- instead of "I am getting really frustrated by this plane changing stuff..."
Yes, we will be launching our first Webinar for bonzai3d next week. Feel free to visit our site to sign up for this if you are interested.
Thanks again for the thoughts that you are sharing. We hope that it helps other SU users as much as it helps us!
alright, here we go again, back at it.
i must say this morning i'm really starting to enjoy this!layed out my kicks for reference (copy tool is very nice for adding in cross pieces). grouped them and then copied to another file to build in (less clutter that way). when i'm done i'll copy everything back into place. the fact that when you create it makes a part that is seperate to move and such is really starting to turn me on! not quite brave enough to tackle components yet but soon.
Copying and pasting objects to a new project works well (and has its own advantages) but in case you have not yet found it, you can also select objects within your file, right click and select Isolate Objects from the Menu. Then all the other objects will temporarily disappear, and when you are done, right click once more and select Reveal objects to bring them all back.
@bonzai3d support said:
Copying and pasting objects to a new project works well (and has its own advantages) but in case you have not yet found it, you can also select objects within your file, right click and select Isolate Objects from the Menu. Then all the other objects will temporarily disappear, and when you are done, right click once more and select Reveal objects to bring them all back.
yes i found that feature too but for personal choice i decided to do it this way since i'm going to try and layout some pieces for references when i build it i figured it might be nice to have a different file. also its nice to see how b3d handles 2 files opened at once.
since you're around i was noticing that when i edit a group i can't reference any other objects because they all disappear. i can display them if i change to wireframe display but still can't reference themthis makes it dificult to say the least. surely you have a solution to this.
please share, i can't seem to resolve this.
Does unchecking Hide Ghosted from the Display Options do what you want?
@bonzai3d support said:
Does unchecking Hide Ghosted from the Display Options do what you want?
somewhat, i can see the other objects now but i still can't reference them as far as moving to align...
just got a crash while (asked me to save before it closed
) playing with scenes (which are very good btw) but i never setup windows email cause i hate it and always just use hotmail. it may be an idea to have the option for b3d to write an error text file to the desktop so that users like me can still send error report as attachments to you.
PS, even though it asked me to save none of the dimensioning or the 2 scenes i had just added where in the saved file. -
If you do have a crash and save the file, open this file from your Documents folder: BNZ@date_time folder. (A crash save will not affect your original file.)
If you repeat the steps and you repeat the crash, please let us know what you are doing so we can investigate this. You can also look in your Documents folder for a file called bz_dump... that will contain the crashlog information, and if you find this, you can email this to us ( and we can take a look at what this might indicate.
Currently Snapping to Ghosted objects is disabled -- but we are looking into adding an option that can allow this for an upcoming version. (It sounds like you need this option in this case!)
thanks for the tip on the saved file, that one had all the information, scenes...
how do you suggest i reference objects outside a group??