Are shared Scrapbook symbols available?
Hi Everyone,
As I'm still learning Lay-out, I am wondering if there is a way to add more pre-drawn architectural symbols and the like to my Scrapbook with out having to draw each one. Similar to 3-D Warehouse in Sketch-Up, maybe a 2-D Warehouse..thanks, Keea
Some folks have posted (as have I) for things like electrical symbols... Just ask for specifically what you're looking for and maybe someone will share. It's nice to share.
Thanks, I am looking for electrical, plumbing, aggregate, and landscape symbols. Is this where I would post my needs and share them, or is it elsewhere. thanks, Keea
Start here:
and we'll ask for others.
It seems like the topic is up...thanks for those electrical symbols. If you have access to pre-drawn layout symbols for utilities like toilets, sinks, showers, and general plumbing symbols, and then landscape aggregate that would be really helpful.
Also, I'm having trouble deleting symbols for the scrapbook. Am I missing something here..thanks, Keea -
You should unlock the locked layers when you edit the scrapbook. Make sure you saved it with permissions (Windows, Mac OS X) that allow you to edit it.
I'm wondering if anyone has more plan view trees and shrubs for Layout they'd be willing to share with me. thanks, Keea