Watercolours worth a look
Very nice technique. I recognise some of those places. Most seem to be painted around the area of Wells next the Sea in Norfolk. http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26845543 There are quite a few watercolourists working in that area...such picturesque subject matter.
Very nice images! Photographs were nice too.
In traditional watercolours like that are the black lines added at the end or were they done first with the washes added after? (While I have done watercolours myself I have zero training so I wonder what is the traditional technique).
Regards, Ross
Probably both, Ross. The original pencil drawing will still be showing through, but you'd probably want to add a little extra detail over the top of the washes in more pencil or a thin brush...stuff like the weatherboarding and window details
A traditional way is to lightly sketch out the shapes in a fine 'red pencil' that doesn't show much through the washes - then - as was said - you 'draw' over the dried/drying surface with the darker lines for the details etc... either finely painted or with a pencil...
It strikes me that where tonal variation (darks/lights) is generally important to provide the structure (readability) of an image, it becomes less important when the line work is of this quality. This allows a lot of freedom in the washes as your eye is not that much reliant on the accuracy of colour and tone in order to understand the image.
Certainly, the coloring-in right-up-to-the-edges approach of children's coloring-in-books is wrong with this kind of thing - your brain fills it in for you anyway, washing the colors to the edges for you and the lightness of touch and informality give the watercolors a great feel... You only see the 'imperfections' [which they are not] when looking at the surface rather then looking at the scene itself...
pretty nice, I wonder who did them...
nice ones, also I like watercolors, but not so sketchy ones, here r mine: http://yegane-art.blogspot.com/2009/09/some-of-my-watercolors.html
How amazing is this?
http://www.jzbukvic.com/paintings.htmlThe comments above the images are especially interesting.
- I like this one:
@unknownuser said:
Tone is the king, colour is a mere assistant.
@majid said:
nice ones, also I like watercolors, but not so sketchy ones, here r mine: http://yegane-art.blogspot.com/2009/09/some-of-my-watercolors.html
Wow, did you do this Majid? Its pretty awesome! I can never pull something like this off...
yes I did dear mate
. it is nice that you've find it interesting, the river scene is where that I have a lot of events there from childhood