Re: Some Funny Pics.
Bumper stickers
This is from a popular game, the user instantly became a huge sensation!
I know the game may be kiddish, but I stumbled upon it one time when I was bored and WOW![flash=480,295:3e9bp1t5]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"[/flash:3e9bp1t5]
Oh wait this is a vid, not a pic...
Perhaps some of you will get an idea from this...
(Perhaps some of you already have something similar installed...)
You can't even say that this guy is lazy...
Just imagine how difficult and tough it's been to bring that bed up there...
Surf's up dudes!!
That mattress was already there. It is one of the rare hanging beds of the Himalayas.
I thought this was cool and just a bit uncomfortable.
Havent been sneaking around Gai's office again frederik?
@remus said:
Havent been sneaking around Gai's office again frederik?
I'm sure Gai doesn't need to hide his "booze", but then again he might get a good idea from that picture...
What kind of self-respecting drinker would ever leave spare booze lying around anyway ?
I saw a computer case once that was actually a mini fridge with beers in it in someones office, posing as a computer.
@frederik said:
Perhaps some of you will get an idea from this...
(Perhaps some of you already have something similar installed...)
[attachment=1:1xkx105e]<!-- ia1 -->Smart-bar.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1xkx105e]To judge from the scribbled titles and the blackboard it seems to be the latest great Finnish innovation since Nokia...