Your SketchUp?
Not as clean as some but it's home.
Here is mine. I'm sort of a newbie so I still have icons up although I am doing more with keyboard shortcuts.
On a related note, it is interesting to see how many people have their view set to perspective vs. parallel view. That would make for an interesting thread to see why that is so. I have mine on parallel - but then again I come from a CAD background where I'm used to working parallel and then just quick-viewing in perspective mode.
Rick, I think you're right. My background is photography and my eyes work in perspective mode so I prefer to work in SketchUp that way. I find Parallel Projection jarring because things that are farther away should look smaller.
It's nice to have the option, though.
My setup.
I didn't know the Ruby Console had a SketchUp plugin!
Well this also shows what I do in my free time:
@kxi system said:
Well this also shows what I do in my free time
Kicking balls?
Same than mine
All under the eyes -
I feel pretty skimpy compared to most of you.
@gaieus said:
@kxi system said:
Well this also shows what I do in my free time
Kicking balls?
Actually modeling randomness, but sometimes people are just asking for it. (some actually do ask)
there are soo many tasty looking plugins on everyone's toolbars... mmmm I may have to do some investigating.
@gaieus said:
@kxi system said:
Well this also shows what I do in my free time
Kicking balls?
In Finland, if you want to insult football enthusiasts, you call the game "potkupallo", a term that would translate into "kickball".
No Sketchup environment is complete without Notepad++ by it's side.
you dont get to use the
smiley unless thats a vista theme for KDE/gnome
@remus said:
you dont get to use the
smiley unless thats a vista theme for KDE/gnome
All the kool kidz uses Windows7.
@krisidious said:
there are soo many tasty looking plugins on everyone's toolbars... mmmm I may have to do some investigating.
You kinda scared me there...
don't worry... I won't eat all your plugins...
@krisidious said:
don't worry... I won't eat all your plugins...
That scared me more...
(lucky me I didn't show any of my plugins)