Sketchup Model to Unreal 2k4 Editor
I have an urgent issue regarding the export functionality of Sketchup Pro. I am trying to convert the .skp file into a Unreal 2k4 world. I tried HardPCM exporter[] to create a *.t3d file but it only shows the wireframe and hot the textures. Is there a simple way to export a sketchup model (e.g. a forest) so Unreal Map Editor can read in both the textures and the wireframes. -
Sketchup exports to many different formats. What formats can your app import?
Unreal tournament supports imports from 3ds Max and Maya. However, the textures and the wire frames are kept separate. That is the major stumbling block.
I'm a little confused. The wire frames and materials being separate, is that how unreal is supposed to work? Or is that a bug you are encountering?
Sketchup writes out the model and the textures into a folder. But I think that is standard 3ds file format procedure. Then 3dsmax or any other 3d modeler imports the model and imports the image files from the same directory as the model.
Is that the problem that you are seeing?
I am unclear about your response. Basically, the problem is that you have to manually take each material and put it on the wire frames manually in the Unreal Map Editor. This can be laborious.
Also, when I open up the models in Blender from Sketchup that are in 3ds Max format. The materials are all gone. How do I recover the materials?
Getting files into blender is quite do-able. Lots of folks around here do it. Hopefully someone who uses blender will be watching this thread and be able to help you get your models into blender smoothly - textures in place and everything. Does Blender export smoothly to the unreal format that you need?
The problem I am having is that when I export the lightwave (*.lwo) file into Unreal Map Editor 2L4, there is only one texture for the object unlike what I see when I view the object in a LightWave where all the textures are present. Does anyone have a clue how to do import into Unreal 2K4? I know the software is dated but help would be appriciated. Thanks.