Diagonal slice through extruded tube?
Hi there,
I'm Paul from N Ireland, this is my first post!
I'm a designer of musical instruments and I've been using Sketchup for the past couple of months. I've only really had a chance to familiarise myself with it over the Christmas break (it's addictive) but I'm still very much a beginner. Why didn't I find this years ago? - it would have saved my clients putting up with my poor sketching abilities
I'm trying currently to create a tube with an angled cut in it, I have managed to demonstrate the effect using the section plane tool - see attached image, but I'm unsure how I make this a permanent edit.
I've looked through the forum archives and the sketchup help but I'm drawing a blank - I'd appreciate your help and guidance.
Many thanks
Yes it's not permanent and make not cut fullface
Just make that
Draw one (or more) simple big Rectangle(s) surface
Select All
Right Click / Intersect Selected
And kill all that you don't want!
SU must be helped in Boolean operations
You are now a musician murdererElse with plug like Booltools at Smustard you can make that automatically
But it's 10 $
Merci Pilou,
c'est parfait!
Thank you