Nice grass texture!
I dug around and found this material I made about a year ago!
It doesn't tile perfectly when used on larger plans, though it's self covers a pretty large surface!
Good thing is it can be shared without any hassles which is not common for grass as most good ones come from commercial options. In this case it was created from scratch with a custom brush though I did stuff bits up a bit with the clone tool. Anyway still probably one of the better grasses I've found!
I must have been smoking some to undertake this when I look back at it!
Thanks for sharing Richard.... the grass that is!!!
Thanks for this Richard, but be careful you can get in deep ca ca for distributing grass
Thanks, a little less saturation makes it look really great. My students will love it
looks perfect for a soccer fieldwould love to try it with displacement
Thanks Richard
Thank you!
Oh good thank
Thanks, that is a very nice grass texture.
Nice, thanks!
Thanks man.. nice texture
(dรญky chlape...pฤknรก textura) CZECH