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Ideas for 2 simple but usefull plugins.
Hi all,
- Could we make a "circle" construction tools, that works on the same way than Draw_construction_tool ( for pre-positionning...)?
- What about a simple "line color changer tool" only applied to selected lines?
Then we may display electrical net or other quite obviously... and convenient for tutorials
Tools on surface can do construction circle - press F2. There is a script to convert any edge to guide. 2D Tools can chance the line style and color.
Salut Malaise,
i use clinetool.rb plugin
color by layer option
then style-> edges -> color by material
but can be cool to have more simple way
Gilles, (reunion island)
There are also 2 tools one changes any selected lines to clines, the other clines to lines...
Thankx for tricks..