All Ancient Rome models from 3DWarehouse together
I wasn't suscribed to this topic and I haven't read you untill now!
As you see Kerkythea is very easy to use. You could improve the rendering using bump mappings. I believe that for the bump mapping texture you can use the same texture for the friezes. (Bump mapping creates a "false" 3D over flat surfaces).
I keep trying to export your models to Unreal Development Kit, but my progress is very slow. Exporters to .ASE format don't work perfectly...
I think the normal mapping or displacement (expecially for decorations or basreliefs, if present) would be a good enhancement for this type of buildings. It's necessary improve some textures, like the ones for the Sacra Via and the plaza, and adapted for the entire area to avoid that bad tiling effect...
The realism to obtain with rendering should be like this work by alekk1985: -
What to say, excellent and great!
@unknownuser said:
I think the normal mapping or displacement (expecially for decorations or basreliefs, if present) would be a good enhancement for this type of buildings. It's necessary improve some textures, like the ones for the Sacra Via and the plaza, and adapted for the entire area to avoid that bad tiling effect...
The realism to obtain with rendering should be like this work by alekk1985:Excellent sreens! Very realistic
. And what program made this model? Of course this is not Sketchup
3D Max? -
That model was made with Blender, but the realism is obtained with good and realistic textures and a well done rendering of model.. ie your model of Roman Forum is perfect, but for a realistic rendering you need to change some textures with better ones..
This is a free site where we can found some excellent textures: version of my model of the cell (Venus and Rome) with reflections and bump mapping for mosaic floor...
This is a little model with beautiful ornament from cgtextures, and the result is very realistic...
@unknownuser said:
This is a free site where we can found some excellent textures:
Wow! Thank you very much!
Ok, this is another model, perfect for friezes of temples, for better realism...
rev3rse can you please please please share that great frieze!
@elysium said:
rev3rse can you please please please share that great frieze!
Hi Elysium, you did a similar big work with your models.. I saw some screenshots from your thread of republican forum...
For thr model of frieze, I was improving textures for coffers between the capitals and fixing the tiling for perfect alignment with the centre of symmetry in the frieze (the central palm) and capitals.
This is a little preview with corinthian capitals by fun856 in 3DWH:
File (a little heavy file...) without capitals attached
I have always thought that Dinamic Components would fit perfectly for the greek and roman ionic, chorintian... columns and friezes. As they had exact proportions and distances according vitrubius it would be easy to make a big building with a dinamic component, automatically repeating the columns with the right distance. You know, in the real word there would be differences respect theory. I don't know if you could adjust it in a dinamic component through a dialog box.
I can't do that, I use the free version of Sketchup (I have never earned money with it). But I give you the idea, if someone wants to do that.
Guide to make Columns (Vignola):
Tks rev3rse!!
The entablature looks great!!
You can optimise it by lowering the number of lines on the round parts of the cornice and the architrave. The entablature is usually a relatively distant element in a render, so there isn't a need for much detail.
I have a good Corinthian column that might be useful on your model, i made it from bits and pieces that i found on the warehouse, improving them all a little. The column shaft for example is yours. It just needs some texturing.
I've thought to DC already, 'cause the length of the frieze and architrave is modular. The problem is the angle, with 4 dedicated different modules, but the construction is really fast.
Yes, the rounded mouldings can be simplified in 1 second. For columns, I changed the capital, that in fact it's not of corinthian order, the leaves aren't of acanthus. I maintained the proportions fot the shaft and capital (thanks for using my shaft
), it's possible replace that shaft (with a thousand of polys) with a flat shaft, so the model is little and not too complex, especially for time rendering.
This type of entablature is for an eustyle temple, so the columns should be 9,5 diameter height (Vitruvius rules) that I've adjusted...
@Danik: Your work is so great and realistic!
So now it is complete. As I have already announced, I would like to 'jump' into these models. But as my screen is too important for doing this, I have to be content with just viewing a panorama.
Aerilius!! It's a wonderful rendering
Only the colossal (really, really colossal) statue of Constantine is missing..
You can model the Statue of Constantine with Makehuman:
Wonderful rendering of my basilica, despite some textures are missing. It's an excellent idea to represent interiors in this manner. When I'll finish my baths of Caracalla, I'll try to some similar presentations for main interiors.pichuneke
Good proposition, I didn't know about Makehuman... -
I know the coloss. I didn't find a model, I just did the rendering (maybe the situation of about 312, before the statue was finished in 315
If you need reference for the model, there was already a scientific reconstruction (not freely available
) for the Constantine exhibition in Trier ("Treveris"
and this pdf (Danik, also interesting for you):
Have fun!
This is a great thread, a
to all of you.
I made in my models the total update, hard work, took a few days
I have changed everything textures. Many thanks to rev3rse again for the texture linkI ask all, download my models again