House & Pond
Awesome scene, I actually like the over exposed look as it gives a feeling of a bright warm sunny day.
hi gets damn hot and sunny down here...!!
Very nice, Gareth. I agree, the first one conveys a hot, tropical feeling, whereas the second one looks overcast.
Hi Gareth,
Great render, which setting did u use?
wonderful image, congrats
. The solo's plant are really good also (I have them already...
Hi Rich,
I used the Easy Preset Medium +
Lovely image, Gareth! (I wonder if dialing up the shadow softness a bit might make them match the "over exposure" better?)
I just mad some small tonemap adjustments using the free public Beta of Adobe Lightroom 3...
(Hope you don't mind...!?)
awsome render, i didnt know that twilight got this power. how much take to render this scene and whats the original resolution??
nacho -
Fred, the tone mapping resulted two different blues for the sky
that looks great frederick, and nice modeling gareth.
Hi Nacho,
I used easy preset 05 Medium +......
...the render time was 69 minutes on my laptop which is only a 1.86 dual would get much better times with something with a bit more 'grunt'...!! (Solo would probably render it before he had time to lean back in his chair...!!)
...there are quite a lot of reflective surfaces and the model is busier than it may appear, so i am quite happy with the speed of the render
...resolution was 1230 x 600