3D rendered walk throughs
but would be accurate depiction of the estate agent as a zombie.
Wouldn't you (or anyone who wants to see the walkthrough) need to buy the game for it?
Yeah, I guess you could do that. Although I wouldn´t mind a bit of good old fashion FPS with SU models as well.
BTW are you referring to SketchUp Source Tools?
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SketchUp_to_SMD_Export_plugin -
i think Playup? http://www.playuptools.com/
and its the crysis engine "CryEngine2" if thats what your refering to. -
Hmm. If this is about HalfLife 2 ( as AcesHigh said ), than it has to be the Source engine ( correct me if I am wrong ), and SU Source Tools.
@numbthumb said:
Hmm. If this is about HalfLife 2 ( as AcesHigh said ), than it has to be the Source engine ( correct me if I am wrong ), and SU Source Tools.
didn't know about that one. how is it?
Oh, and yes, PlayUp tools does support Valve Source
More info can be found in this thread http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=654523 where the process of getting the geometry from SketchUp to VMF is discussed. As it is said there: (among other things)
"This is especially useful for my exploration of using the HL2 engine to give real-time walkthroughs (NOT recored flythroughs) of arcihtectural renderings."
Personally, I have run into problems with complex geometry, which was totally messed up in Hammer. Workarounds in Blender or 3ds Max were far beyond my capabilities, so eventually I gave up. -
Anyone had any experience with Hypermove? http://www.bunkspeed.com/hypermove/
Here is an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oi81Lo6x6A&feature=related
Supposed to be real time ray tracing. It certainly sounds impressive but does it live up to the hype? Can anyone enlighten us.....
Princedragoncok posted some tests here on SCF before....
Have you guys seen this
Why,oh why can't we use this technology as a Sketchup user ?....
The Chrome Engine 4 seems even better for Archviz than crysis...[flash=560,340:3ifqe996]http://www.youtube.com/v/vud7p7iIV6w&hl=en&fs=1&[/flash:3ifqe996]
I have played both games in the video above and they do look great.
The question is rather, can they be used commercially and do they have a effective workflow for archviz?
I don't think so.
I'd like it if they where, but they are waaay to expensive for most archviz users.
Also how would you present it to the customer?
A demo at your office (or with a laptop at the customer) or with a movie made with some screen grab software?
Unity (and others) may not look as good but at least they have the possibility to make a presentation available thru a webpage or an exe that can be put on a cd. -
@pixero said:
Unity (and others) may not look as good but at least they have the possibility to make a presentation available thru a webpage or an exe that can be put on a cd.
I couldn´t agree more.
I actually got kind of carried away discussing something that actually has more to do with game modding than with presentation itself.