Inference issue?
I'm finding that since loading 7.1, inferencing between overlapped groups is really poor. Let's say I make 2 boxes, group each one independently, then move them so they overlap/engage one another. If I try to begin a line where one of the edges of one box intersects the plane of the other box, usually I get a good solid inference...not anymore. The only way I can get any kind of inference is either by zooming in really close and hovering around for a few seconds, or by clicking transparent display. Once transparency is on, inferencing works like it used to...or so I think. Is this anyone elses experience? I've tried numerous setting options, but can't find the!
I'm modifying my last entry...the inference issue is related to 'intersecting' planes, be they grouped or not.
Having the same problem on both Pro and free versions of 7.1, all was fine in 7.0. End points and edges are selected OK but intersections very erratic. I've updated to the latest video drivers (ATI Radeon 3850 & 9550) but no improvement.
Same here. Overlapping planes either have no intersections inference or it's very weak - I get a flickering intersection symbol but it's hard to select.
Yes also noticed that. Strangely enough it has spread to my toolbar. Sometimes it takes a couple of clicks to change tools, as if it isn't inferencing on the new tool. Weird and frustrating.
OK, good to know it's not isolated to my office. Now to figure it out.
Thanks for the report about the problem with inferencing and faces. We have the problem in our database and are looking to resolve this problem.
Same problem here.