SU7 cant seem to get above to explode can any one help?
thanks bbbb
Sorry, do you mean you cannot explode groups/components in SU 7?
Sorry about the lack of clarity in my question, the question referred to groups and components.
Yes but what about them? Can you not explode groups and components in SU 7? (At least that's how I'd understand that question).
Sorry to have wasted your time
Now I totally don't understand, sorry. I am willing to help - all I need is with what exactly?
Sorry for the delay in responding to your reply,however I will persivere and try to figure out the problem! possibly a good way for newcomer to learn, thanks for offering assistance.
Hi Bbbb, hi folks.
Do a right click on the group or component to get a contextual menu and then choose Explode in this contextual menu.
Or select the group or component and then choose the Edit Menu --> Group (or component) depending on what you selected. This is the last choice in the Edit Menu. Choose Explode in the sub menu.
Just ideas.
I'm so confused! I hope bbbb got his problem figured out!