SP animations
Great Remus! Why not try some animated lights?
LOL at the sang one.
How long did the sang one take to render and what size?
23 hours at 640x480. 8 mins 20 secs per frame, 150 frames.
Whaat, good tihnking
Might try something with buoyancy as well, if i can get it to work in SP.
That is priceless remus
Too bad I don't have Indigo
This was a short (somewhat violent) animation in sketchup I made a while ago, smoke would be too slow for rendering though (but could be deleted. still, 176 frames, with several objects.).
hit play on SketchyReplay. -
For buoyancy:
Plugins/SketchyPhysics/Buoyancy Settings/Ok
Thats tonight sorted
That's fantastic, I gotta get SP installed sometime as this looks fun.
It is a bit of a laugh. Ive got a feeling twilight can do sp animations as well, which would be worth looking in to so you dont have to wait 12 hours+ for rendering.
@unknownuser said:
For buoyancy:
Plugins/SketchyPhysics/Buoyancy Settings/Ok
Just realised theres not going to be any splashes/realistic water displacement, so thats thrown that one out the window.
Anyone got any relatively simple SP models theyd like me to try? pretty much anything is cool, as long as it doesnt take longer then 5-6 seconds to complete.
Hahaha awesome - love it.
Sang revealed is a true gem