The queen is hot, so get it on...
This is my first time reading this thread and i love the renders etc....
But i'm lost on the whole Jack Bird, Ant Transmitter thing????
Are you related to this guy?
If not, could someone PM the history behind the confusion i'm feeling
Check these links out:
I should add, though, that, ultimately, any guesses of mine regarding Durant's, er, cultural frame of reference are just that - guesses. Here's a 'fro:
Thanks Stinkie,
that clears things up
sorry, i lied.
let's just say i'm not as confused and understand a bit more
I'm not too sure this sort of thing -or my own stuff, for that matter - can be understood in the strict sense of the word. The way I see it, it's a bit like foul reeking cheese. You either develop a taste for it, or you don't. And if you do, well, that's just another thing to enjoy right there, isn't it? If you don't - there's the rest of the buffet. Dig in, that's what it's there for. Do try the dips.
J to the V to the S,
Bring it -- you have.
That is a Jack bird of a sketch Jack action patch. I'll take all the ice you got in that cold dream tripper.
S to the T,
Your on it with the doors and new windows... Bring that.
Enter the cave of your non-word mind and take a few more snaps.
Durant "flicker light" Hapke
all at its own right time,
"flicker light"
see youedit : not exactly what you mean, but this is from my present work
sort of
it could do for mei felt uncomfortable not giving you something else
that´s all.
Brothers and Sisters,
My bringing it engines are running slow this Jack bird early day.
Sure, I've been sucking coffee -- did you know David Lynch the director of Eraser Head has his own brand of Jack bird coffee? This is true.
I'm feel like the world at large is bogging down.
Why, you want to ask? Ask and get some ice, this is a good day for escapism.
Creativity is a sad mad pony with a big knot in it's tail.
And I don't feel like liking ponies today.
I miss Samantha today. Things change and we roll with them, but it's like the second the page turns, wishes of all manner filter in.
What, why, who, if, only, and these spinning points.
I know this is a digital era, I support a and dig such -- I slam dance it all over the place, but it confuses me often, and few really seem to care.
Passion is an ugly playmate.
Durant "I have this" Hapke
Ouch ¡¡¡
that metal
and its lead to the hospital.Hi Durant,
better to soften the creative product with some, bit of mud ?
I mean wood too, nop?
you will get the sky if you put it.
but maybe it is your taste as it is.cheers and thanks
Brothers and Sisters,
Bring it.
I want to make some lights that glow, I think I saw that Jack action around here on a tutorial, so might give it an attempt.
I'm thinking making photo real action is not that fun, as it seems that you can put stuff where you want it, and then people say, "Oh, that's Jack action bird fake... I think it's done with the computer."
That's less fun then it once was... To me at least... And I just got back to it... Perhaps I'm just suffering from a rough encounter with wire...
Rough and, "I need a tall boy," disappointing.
Durant "I will share" Hapke
Haha looks like fun, I like the overal atmosphere and detail you've put it into ;D
Roevens Johannes ^^ -
@durant hapke said:
I'm thinking making photo real action is not that fun, as it seems that you can put stuff where you want it, and then people say, "Oh, that's Jack action bird fake... I think it's done with the computer."
I agree!
Nice image, very tense. the modeling is fantastic. whats with the jack bird scribbles?
That is much better Durant ¡
and too much for me
@durant hapke said: real action is not that fun, ...then people say, "Oh, that's Jack action bird fake... I think it's done with the computer."
most people don't want photo-real anyway, they want "art-isti-real" and in this you are already excelling... don't let the "real" part side track your creativity... it has killed many an artist... but I believe you will emerge victorious and in a style that you own.
Brothers and Sisters,
Not to beat around the hog barn, yeah, I've been orbiting the Jack bird Tarot -- the seventy eight -- the mirror -- the pathless path.
The future?
Booze, Camels, and spring loaded curves -- bring it, baby -- that's what the cards show me.
I'm into the Page of Cups at the moment -- "Oh, yeah, I talk to the little flippy flip here in my golden beer -- it makes me ponder... coitus? Sure, and bringing the Jack bird new."
Dreams tell me to challenge convention... Both societies, and my own.
Durant "night sweats" Hapke
Thanks Durant,
I´ll give youget stronger
beautiful drawing that one
Brothers and Sisters,
Yeah, I did have a flash of insecurity about the "dark side," or the devil being to big a part of this robot box brain...
The devil says:
"Ahhhh!! You see this bucket of severed bird heads? Yeah, I'm going to set them into your skull as teeth!"
"Your mouth will forever be filled with retched chirps and boil with horrid screams!"
"Ahhh... I exceed your worst nightmares with ease, I'm the black hearted Mephistopheles who knows your secret name, and without hesitation, I will write it in bone chalk on the blackest black-bellies of the blind fish who swim in the foul pools below Hades!"
Blah, blah, and on, and on -- rocking bring that action -- Mister Bird Puss.
Or something like that.
But I feel this box is safe to share.
This brain of the robot variety could entertain like a mechanical whee-lo toy... but just as easily take your Jack bird eye out...
Be careful, but enjoy.
Durant "fish have no tools" Hapke
Now that is a happenin thang, Mr.DH. It appeals to my sense of order, whatever that is.
Love the 'hammered metal' and the :dayglow' plastic.If I may criticise somewhat? I may?, thank you...
...I feel that the shadows need to be darker and possibly crisper without altering the chroma and brightness of the image both which look very good. It would give it a bit more solidity methinks. Also, the background is disapointing, bland might be the word. What about some skulls?, garbage? a gradient?, a window as a light source?, anything really but that grey limbo. And where is the electrickery? A mean looking power supply coiling off to infinity could give us poor mortals some idea of where the real power is coming from.baz
ps: I'd want to bolt that mother to the floor, tho' it looks like it might fit in a daypack for handy portability. It does pack up? Like to see that.(But now I think of it, you're fond of skids, n'est pas?)
Also you might use better hinges, those look cheap, cheapskate
pps: If this was my artwork, I'd probly tell me to piss off, you can too -
Brothers, and Sisters,
Baz is Bring it.
Slam good conceptions.
Whispers float around my bobbin noggin -- it's the deuce of fill it to the brim! -- Robot brain... And Gray!
I will kick it that the gray is void of action as I was thinking the seamless of it was quite ... boring, so yeah, I think it felt like a seamless, or a gray photo bit of paper.
Perhaps the Machine speaks loud enough to compensate?
The power sours is attraction.
Be it.
Be it.
Be the funk.
Be the earl of funk land.
Enjoy a nice bun sandwich, and don't forget to work it.
Durant "flying the flag of victory over darkness" Hapke
dont push Durant too much
otherwise his machine can become too much real and
get our eye off, in a second of distraction
cheers both -
@juanv.soler said:
dont push Durant too much
otherwise his machine can become too much real and
get our eye off, in a second of distraction
cheers bothI quite agree with you juan, but you never really know what it is he's on about. sorry dh to speak of you rather than at you, so... one feels the need to express something, I think he/she is unlikly to be a delicete flower which is 'de rigeuer' for the course. (being an artist, that is),
Is he an artist? or is he someone playing on his office computer, while he's supposed to be selling pork bellies?
Whatever, his intention is art and so it is.
Aesthetic criticism, unlike most real art has to come from non-emotional areas of the brain.
sorry ran out of staem there.