Decimal separator is a Coma
Hi Guys,
I am one of european users from native languages that use COMA as a separator for the decimals, and POINT for the 1000 separator.
A typical number would be written 1.000.000,35
With other programs like Excel, there is language recognition. This means that that although the key near the 0 in my numpad is a point, if i click it inside excel it will type a coma if my lanuage settings (windws settings) are set to Catalan. If I set them to English, it will enter a point.
THis doesn´t seem to work in SketchUp, so any time I have to enter a decimal dimension I can't use the . key from the numpad, I have to use the coma from the keyboard, which is pretty annoying.
Anyone has found a work around? -
I've noticed that as well! (Norwegian user)
I often switch between English and Norwegian Keyboard style. SU doesn't seem to handle that... -
Jean Lemire, our French-Canadian friend has reported this as a major bug several times already. I wonder if it is the same with the "localised" versions of SU (thank god, there's none for Hungarian YET)
I have always voted for these characters to be user-configurable. Using the VCB to enter values is clumsy using the Finnish keyboard too, because all the separator characters that SU uses if your language is set to Finnish (semicolon and square brackets, for instance) require Shift or AltGr to type, so you need both hands on the keyboard.
...And not only both hands but I cannot move anything by absolute or relative co-ordinates either because both the [] and <> characters require AltGr (or Shift+Ctrl) on my keyboard and this of course will make SU think I'm trying to use a mod key (like Ctrl for linear array) and the VCB simply clears out.
The only "workable" solution I found so far is to switch to the English keyboard layout but of course that won't fix the decimal separator issue.
I think I'll move this topic into the bug reports subforum. If it is "just" an annoying feature, it makes (certain features) of SU so much unusable that it should indeed be considered as a bug.
Ditto Anssi & Gaieus!
The keyboard input is optimised for English layout keyboards, but are very awkward with non-English layout. -
Hi folks.
Yes I reported this quite a few times.
The funny part is that I use the coma as a decimal separator on my work PC and also on my home Mac and that it works OK on the Mac and not on the PC.
Yes, I can type the dot key on the numerical keypad of the Mac and get a coma in Excel and a dot in SU. On the PC with Windows, no way.
Where is the bug ? In Windows or in SU ?
I dont know.
Just ideas.