Crossing lines break automatically
Hi all!
@unknownuser said:
When you draw a line that crosses another line on the same plane, both lines are split where they meet.
Just one question: Is it possible to temporarly stop this method by ruby?
This is one of new fonctionalities in SU 7.
Thank you! -
Thank you thomthom!
And for the normal user like me, this plug yet exist somewhere?
(Though I'm surprised that this cost $5...) -
@unknownuser said:
And for the normal user like me, this plug yet exist somewhere?
require 'sketchup.rb' def break_edges_toggle() model=Sketchup.active_model model.start_operation("Break Edges Toggle") breaks_edges=Sketchup.break_edges? if breaks_edges Sketchup.break_edges=false else Sketchup.break_edges=true end#if puts "Sketchup.break_edges= "+Sketchup.break_edges?.to_s model.commit_operation end#def if not file_loaded?(File.basename(__FILE__))"Plugins").add_item("Break Edges Toggle"){break_edges_toggle} end#if file_loaded(File.basename(__FILE__))
Copy/paste this into a new Ruby file in your Plugins folder called something like 'break_edges_toggle.rb'. You could shortcut the command that's in the Plugins menu to say 'B' to toggle the line breaking. The Ruby Console tells you the current status of the toggle.
and sorry Rick -
I didn't realise there was a $ script already ! Sorry RickW... but my version is out there now... $5 x X for a few seconds work ?