[Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
Rigth, PB doesn't do forking either. It would be cool however - for some intricate Gothic tracery for instance...
This is a really remarkable tool. One minor nitpick/feature request. It works great on Bezier curves, as you demo'ed in the excellent video. Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well with freehand curves. I'd like something like an O(4) Bezier curve, which the Bezier tool doesn't support. The plugin doesn't work on a group of O(2) Bezier curves, and if I draw the curve freehand, what comes out of shape bender looks pretty busted.
Thanks again for doing this kind of stuff.
Hmm, not sure what an O4 and O2 bezier is. IT should work on any series of connected lines. If you have 2 beziers and they are in separate groups, they would need to be exploded first.
Do you have a picture, or better yet a model that shows the problem? Thanks!
Thanks for the awesome script.
Will it work on components like railings? or will i have to explode and group them?
When I try the plugin it gets stuck at 5%. What could i be doing wrong? or is it my poor PC
It struggles when it tries to bend shapes full of components. So try a simple shape first to find out if its working at all. If it really is getting stuck, then try opening the Ruby Console and then run the script. See if it outputs and error messages. If it does, post them back here to this thread and I'll take a look at it.
If its getting stuck, and not posting any errors, could you remove all other plugins, leaving just clf_shape_bender_loader.rb and the clf_shape_bender folder in place. Then see if it works any better.
Thats great Simon, thanks for putting that together.
That part on the text wrapping about the corners not working correctly.....I know
It is something I want to fix so it works the way you expect it to in that example. However, there are times when it is doing what would be the desired action. So I will need to build in a toggle between the 2 solutions.
Perhaps I'll draw up a quick diagram that shows how it currently acts, how I would like it to act, and overlay them so you can see how they are different and then show an example for each that shows when one result would be beneficial over the other.
But a great big thanks to you Simon for putting all that info together!
Cher Chris,
I appreciate that you enjoy my small contribution (very far from giving back what you give us with ShapeBender). What I wanted to demonstrate is that ShapeBender is also a high geometric precision tool, that for my part I am convinced.
I think it would be desirable to open a specific topic on the use of ShapeBender(as we should do for all master plugin), to collect the tests and experiments very interesting and unfortunately dispersed throughout this thread.And Here the first problem I encountered, that I wanted to talk:
Hmm, that is interesting. I will try to play with it and see if I can repeat the results. I can't think of any good reason it would do that. But that doesn't mean its not doing it. So I'll see what I can find,
My first guess would be to try component spray. Just unload that script and see if that does the trick. There was a problem with it and Didier uploaded a new version that fixes the problem. So remove it and that fixes the problem, download the newest update here
I really think that's it. Let me know if its not,
This plugin is great. I had all of the profiles of my fins drawn already from a physical model I had to build. So this plugin was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton.
Wow! Thats awesome! I'm surprised, I mean glad, that my script worked for you
Thanks for all your help that worked.
Also this script is awesome (Sorry) AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it does railings
Yes, I am well aware of that little detail
I would like to fix it, it just will take some time and thinking. It is only on the end segemnts that those lines do not actually align correctly. In time, I'll fix it.
So resize all external segments = ED!
So maybe make an another external "arc half circle"
i get around the problem by making the curve more curvey thani need it, then intersect a plane through so its cutoff after 180 degrees rotation... its a work around, but it works!
You can also start with a circle and explode it. Then keep one additional segment on each end of the half circle and weld it. You will get something like in the picture. Then erase the two red blocs you don't need and you're done.
This solution has been posted on a french forum here:
http://www.systemed.fr/Forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=32570&PN=1&TPN=1 -
It won't bend the shapes. The progress bar will completely freeze well below 20%, and won't unfreeze. i don't know what happened.
Cool trick & works fine!
the funny thing is that the red blocks are false in the length!
circle explosed and arc curves were build with same length of their segments!