You Decide Competition!
Nice model Physicsguy! Clever use of 3d to make a 2d game.
I've been trying to make a code that sets a variable to 1 when a key is pressed, but after __ frames will set it back to 0, whether the key is pressed or not. It's just not working so far though
... Anyone got any ideas?
Wacov made one for me, its not exactly what you want but....
if getVar("two")==0; setVar("repeat",1); setVar("time",0); elsif getVar("repeat")==1; setVar("time",frame+350); setVar("repeat",0); end; if frame>getVar("time") && getVar("time")>300; #What you want goes here ; end
D'oh! ( In a Hommer Simpson voice)
I forgot you could use 'frame'
I was trying to do it all using onTick, which wasn't working out too well
...Now I have a slightly newer problem. Since 'frame' is a dynamic variable, and changes constantly, the script I've been trying to get working won't work.
if key("space")==1 then setVar("timer",frame+10);else setVar("timer",0);end; if frame>=getVar("timer") and key("space")==1 then setVar("go",1);else setVar("go",0);end;
... Basically, I need to find a way to get the frame from when key("space") is first pressed.
UPDATE: I found a work-around, it doesn't work exactly as expected, but I think it's better
... Just wait 'till I'm done -
You guys are finally catching up with the scripting!
BTM, I look forward to seeing your game.
Oh, and, off topic, I just thought of a way to make a controllable oscillator. Should be ready soon!
Chris, how are you managing to hide and unhide components using script? There are parts of the script you made that I understand, and parts I don't, but it seems the crucial thing is the 'ent.hidden'. The 'ent' is a variable, but I can't find the point where it was created, nor where it was assigned to any specific item. So, how can I assign variables to components? (With the purpose of hiding/unhiding them on command)
That must be some of the sketchup ruby API scripting he used. You can find at the sketchup website. Here's another example of using the sketchup API:
if slider("foo")>=0.7 then UI.messagebox ('why do that!?');else slider("foo");end;
-NOTE: be prepared to have to force quit/ quit sketchup if you use that code. -
@wacov said:
Chris, how are you managing to hide and unhide components using script? There are parts of the script you made that I understand, and parts I don't, but it seems the crucial thing is the 'ent.hidden'. The 'ent' is a variable, but I can't find the point where it was created, nor where it was assigned to any specific item. So, how can I assign variables to components? (With the purpose of hiding/unhiding them on command)
The code looks like this:
for ent in $curEvalGroup.definition.entities if == name+("%02d"%frame) ent.hidden = false else ent.hidden = true end end
First is this:
Without going into details, this amounts to a list of every group inside the hero characters group.
for ent in $curEvalGroup.definition.entities
This means set to be for every entity (groups in this case) inside the character set variable "ent" to be
that group and then...if == name+("%02d"%frame)
If the "ent" has a certain name then hide or unhide.
Remember "ent" is a Sketchup group and this is how you hide a group using Ruby.
A simpler example:
if(frame==100) $curEvalGroup.hidden=true elsif(frame==200) $curEvalGroup.hidden=false end
This will hide the object at frame 100 and show it again at frame 200
Okay... that will be useful, but now I'm wondering how you changed the evaluation group to something outside the group it was written in
Is that what the first part of the script is for?
Also, is it possible to change the default SU material of an object using script? Like when you paint a group, any surfaces within with the default paint will change.
You can do that through styles, or when using the paint bucket on a default coloured face, hold shift.
No, it has to be through script. There must be a way, because plugins are able to change the material...
@wacov said:
Okay... that will be useful, but now I'm wondering how you changed the evaluation group to something outside the group it was written in
Is that what the first part of the script is for?
Also, is it possible to change the default SU material of an object using script? Like when you paint a group, any surfaces within with the default paint will change.
I dont know what you mean. I didnt exactly change the evaluation group. "$curEvalGroup" is the group that the code is running on.
You know how you can make one object in SU and make it a component then copy it. Now when you edit one all of them change. That is because there is one object "definition" and 0 or more "instances" of that object. Every group is actually a instance.
Given an instance ($curEvalGroup) get its definition and then get the entities in that definition.
The first part of the script just gets the x,y,z location of the body.
BTW "$" means global varible in Ruby. You can use the $curEvalGroup but do not and I mean do not try to make new ones. You could mess things up pretty easy.
physicsguy you didnt' tell me your challenge decision. i'm using the default option that i decided on a few weeks ago in case of such an event. in future all group decisions for the sp challenges are banned.
...Just pick whatever one was voted for the most on the other thread. I'd say that would be the best solution.
he'd created loads of polls and voting places dotted around, theres no way i'm goign through all of that, i might as well tell you now, the next challenge will be for a motorcycle.
That's pretty basic and simple...
... I'd still go for animated character. I'd already started, thinking it was the probable topic, as it seems to be on the top of the forum poll, and the only other poll I could find is one on the warehouse; but that wouldn't change it still. -
What The?!!!!!!!!!???????? its an animated character, now give them what they voted for. motorcycle is too relevant to the desert vehicle. we don't need another vehicle
hey guys, what about something like transformable architecture. i don't know if this will be too difficult to pull off, but its worth a try.
here are some links