ASGVIS question
Hi guys, this might be a stupid question but if anyone know about this...
I just checked the ASGVIS website and is revamped. They used to have one particular tutorial regarding VRAY for sketchup that I used to go to before the change. It's a begineer's tutorial where it shows you how to apply materials and settings in VRAY to render 3 chairs that you download from the site.
Does anyone know where can I find this tutorial?
After seeing this post, I went to visit the new revamped site.
Didn't get very far.
After clicking on the "Software" button I got the following error from my Anti-Virus software.I am getting our IT guys to look in to the problem.
I guess it is a false positive rather than a real threat?Regards
Mr S -
I have no problem with navigating the new site. I'm just looking for the "old" contents that was on that site. Seems like they took out all the tutorials and the old forum.
Hey guys, I e-mailed ASGVIS support and they sent me the tutorial I was looking for.
For those interested, it's an easy to follow step by step on VRAY for Sketchup.
V-Ray for SketchUp Manual Scenes
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There doesn't seem to be any links on the new site to reference materials, user manuals, tutorials, etc. I'm doing a 30 day trial and it's frustrating to not even be able to access the user manual.
I found it difficult to find things on the old site - now there's nothing to find.
Not sure how this is an improvement.
Did you try those links I posted? I kinda learned VRAY more or less with this tutorial
There are still a number of things that have yet to be added to the new site. We're trying to add these and work out the issues and add content as quickly as we can. All we ask is for a little patience. In the meantime if there's other things please let us know and we'll do our bet to point you to a solution.
CurryPork -
Thanks for those links. I did download both the manual and the files from your link. I looked over them quickly last night and I think they're just what I'm looking for. I have a trial version of V-Ray and I'd like to get a good grasp of it before my 30 days is up. This will help a lot.
Thanks again.
You're welcome Arail.
dalomar, I noticed you're the one who wrote that Vray tutorial. Since we have you, an official ASGVIS representative, here. Do you have any more easy to follow step by step tutorials for beginners like me and Arail? If you do, where can we find it.
Another question I have is MATERIALS. This topic had been circulating for a while and I'd like to get a definite answer if you know. Why is it that there is such an abundant amount of free materials for the 3D Studio Max VRAY (like for example: ) and not much out there for us, VRAY for Sketchup users. AND, is there a way to convert the .vismat materials to the VRAY for Sketchup version?
The manual has a ton of information, so that should really be a central resource for you. I'm not sure what you're looking for in regards to tutorials, but the manual covers just about everything from right from the start. There's also a Tips and Tricks section in our forum ( ) that is certainly worth taking a look at. A number of users have posted specific tutorials on things that they've found useful, so that's a good resource for some pretty specialized things. Also, if you're willing to look at V-Ray tutorials that are made for other host applications (such as Rhino and Max), then you'll be able to find loads more tutorials on a number of different topics. The concepts and techniques are largely the same, and the interface is laided out very similarly with the same labels.
I think there are more materials out there for vfsu than you're giving credit for. It may not be as "high profile" as the site, but there are a number of other material resources that are out there. One thing to remember is that textures are the main basis for most materials, so if you can get your hands on the textures used for a material, then you've got 95% of what makes it up. Those textures can be just out there, part of VfMax materials, or even part of materials for other render engines. As long as they've got the images, then you've got a material. Also, most of the sites, including ours, is based on users sharing materials that they've created. The more you guys share, the better online material libraries will get. The material downloads section isn't up on the website yet, but it should be up in a little while and should make sharing and finding materials much easier. did write a converter for VfMax materials, but there were a number of issues with it. I talked a little bit about what some of the issues are and what some of the barriers are with doing another one in the thread below... -
thank you dalomar. I'll frequent the ASGVIS forum more.