You Decide Competition!
BTM, you should join in the competition. You haven't posted an SP model... indeed, any models, in a whole month. That's less than me, which is saying something
Wow... I wonder what inspired that?
lol that is a bit obvious, but we do sometimes run out of models to make.
...I tried your game Wacov, so I decided to see what would happen if I were to have made one. It was just a test, not for posting (as mentioned), what you see is the starting, to about half-way. Above, there is a little half-destroyed village, with my FPS drones around it. Oh, did I mention that the BMW has guns that come out of the front license plate when you press V, shoot with the up key (steering of car is with WASD),
and go back in when you press C? That would be from some James Bond video-game inspiration.
The major in-accuracy of the car, other than the guns and booster (thruster, spacebar) would be that I added 4 wheel turning. I do it to all my vehicles, it gives them a kind of super-handling.
...oh, if you're wondering, that's a canyon. At the bottom, there's a little stream.
You must have read my mind. Before i chose the You Decide option, i was thinking of a Role Playing Game. I already have one that i was working so i could enter it as an example. It's a 2D Mario game that works very well, and has an old level that i recreated. Shall i post it? I might add some more features. I had everything configured to lower and increase health points when you contacted an item, but i couldn't find an effective way of "ending" the game once you lost all health points. Mario himself is animated, thanks to the capabilities of SP3x. BTW i'm very happy that it is only 500KB.
Chris, how do you animate movements without a complicated array of emitters or finely tuned joints and settings? I remember seeing a knight game you posted, but i never figured out all the functions in the code. Can you just point me in the right direction? All i need is the basics.
@unknownuser said:
Chris, how do you animate movements without a complicated array of emitters or finely tuned joints and settings? I remember seeing a knight game you posted, but i never figured out all the functions in the code. Can you just point me in the right direction? All i need is the basics.
Oh man! Your going to be sorry you asked. There are no "basics" with that example. It will melt your brain.
I pulled out all the stops with it and it was full of undocumented stuff I couldn't begin to explain. But here you go:
The actual "animation" is a trick using hidden geometry. Every frame it unhides the right "frame" of groups. Look carefully at the the hero characters hidden geometry and the names of the hidden groups. And look at it in outliner.
How the frames are unhidden is also a trick. I create a few functions in hidden objects and call them in the heros ontick. Look at it again with that in mind and if you have any questions Ill try to answer.
I'd bet coin that you guys can to better with out all the fancy stuff.
You guys always amaze.
complex apparatuses using emitters work perfectly for sprites and such. i'll post an example.
Arggg.... The sprite didn't work. The emitted objects were trailing behind, even thought i set them to exist for one frame. I'll have to work with the script you used. First thing is:
push([(0.5-rightx)*1,-(0.5-righty)*1,0]) setVar("lastpos",getposition) if(frame==0) h=getVar("lastpos")-getposition h.z=0 speed=h.length setVar("lastpos",getposition) setVar("heroheading",h)
What does all this do? I understand that h equates to 0(i think it does)but i'm oblivious with the <h.z=0> and <speed=h.length>. What does the period do? Where are the <speed> and <length> values obtained from?
Anyway, I have a sprite that does work, but doesn't do anything other than run, run in place, and run backwards. use a joystick. A is jump. Feel free to edit it and post it on the warehouse, because this model was intended to be a building set for my contest. If you wanted to know the contest ends on the first of june.
This is the equivalent of a thruster. It says push the hero in the X and Y direction based on rightx and rightz but no thrust in the Z (up direction)setVar("lastpos",getposition) if(frame==0)
If this is the first frame store the hero's current position for use later.h=getVar("lastpos")-getposition
set the temp value "h" to be the how much the hero has moved this frame.
If he moved 10 in X and 20 in Y the value of h would be [10,20,0]h.z=0
if the player moved in the Z direction remove it from the speed calculation.
this way the player doesnt play the run animation when falling. only when moving in
X and Yspeed=h.length
find out how fast the hero was moving. if h is [10,0,0] then then speed becomes 10.setVar("lastpos",getposition)
save the new position so it can be used to calc speed for next frame.setVar("heroheading",h)
save the direction the hero is moving for use elsewhere to make him face in
the direction of movement."speed" is just a temporary variable. getposition returns a "Vector3d" so that is what "h" is. And if you have a Vector you can find out how long it is by saying "h.length"
#create a new vector object h=Geom;;,0,0) #how long is the vector h.length
I get it now. BTW the UI won't allow the code to be entered. I am guessing that my version isn't configured to run code like that. When will the next version of SP be released?
Post the code that is failing and I can tell you why.
Next will maybe be this weekend. But it wont be all that different. It turns out SP conflicts with another plugin and I need to fix that.
I think I have figured out the direction to take with the scripting. But it is going to take a while to actually do it.
@unknownuser said:
Note: posted, not made.
[attachment=0:29d1zqy3]<!-- ia0 -->Canyon4.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:29d1zqy3]MAN, is that seriously your car? GREAT CAR!
~Anyway, i've made a mario type game with SP2, used physical gears and ran too slow.
Sounds Nice. I have one on my computer that features a full level will all the secret piping and a mushroom that gives health. It's only 600KB, so i might build a whole 10-level game out of it. For Chris: testsetAnimation('anim',frame/30%10) won't work. tried using it alone without any movements, it was just intended to be just a plain animation.
Wow! Sounds cool. Look forward to seeing it.
@unknownuser said:
Anyway, I have a sprite that does work, but doesn't do anything other than run, run in place, and run backwards. use a joystick. A is jump. Feel free to edit it and post it on the warehouse, because this model was intended to be a building set for my contest. If you wanted to know the contest ends on the first of june.
Nice start.