I need help purchasing sketchup pro - as in a miracle
Chris, if you want to do renderings in SketchUp, there are a few things to remember:
SketchUp does not do renderings by itself.
There are free programs that do renderings from SketchUp. The two most popular among these seem to be Kerkythea & Indigo. As a Kerkythea fan, I recommend you to visit http://www.kerkythea.net
Your graphics card is completely irrelevant when it comes to rendering. The only thing that matters for rendering is the CPU, even more than the amount of RAM. Most of the time Kerkythea + Windows XP (and all those background running apps) use less than 1GB RAM in my PC. Regarding which CPU to buy, I currently use a Core 2 Duo, but the general consensus is that the Core i7 920 has the best price/performance ratio right now. I know nothing about Macs, as I'm not cool enough to own one.
You don't need a subscription to any video site to learn SketchUp; all the official tutorial videos are free in Youtube, and you can watch them in the official help site:
You will also learn a lot in this forum, and through browsing Youtube for SketchUp-related videos.
But if you're really looking for a design program that can be 100% used with a tablet without touching a keyboard, you might want to consider MoI instead:
http://moi3d.com/ -
@ecuadorian said:
- There are free programs that do renderings from SketchUp. The two most popular among these seem to be Kerkythea & Indigo. As a Kerkythea fan, I recommend you to visit http://www.kerkythea.net
Since Chris already have mentioned that he's using Mac, Indigo is ruled out leaving only KT if you want to pursue the free-road...
Indigo is only available for Windows and Linux...
Carreful Moi (Moment of inspiration : zen nurbs modeler) is only for PC Computer and is not free!
An infinite demo exist but without save! -
Hi Christopher,
Your post has special interest for me,
I live and work in the UK, a large part of my work involves designing adaptations to properties to allow people with all manner of disabilities to live and function within their own homes and to be as independent as is possible.
I use Sketchup for this, It allows me to quickly explore all the design options in order to meet a disabled persons needs and then present the options on my laptop in their own homes, I can’t tell you how rewarding it is for me when I show someone visually on screen how an adaptation, sometimes simple, sometimes complex is going to increase their independence.
I know Sketchup is great for designing all manner of things, but for me it really shines in the work that we do and by ‘we’ I mean myself and the disabled, for they are far more important in the design process than me or sketchup, the one thing I have learned from my work is to never make an assumption about a persons level of disability.
From my experience the vast majority of people in this position do not want sympathy they just want a little help and a chance to participate and live as normal as is possible.
I admire your spirit and attitude and hope to see some of you designs on this forum.
(Come on Google you can afford it)
@unknownuser said:
so whats the general consensus for the best control system for sketchup that negates the need for multiple hands
Hi Christopher,
I can't advise the best system because I have not tried them all, but I am a one handed user of SketchUp.
I have a Logitech MX Revolution mouse which makes it far better because i can map many of the commands to the 11 different buttons. For example I have move, rotate, pushpull, delete, esc, shift, ctrl, etc all on my mouse which saves using the keyboard and some of the more used icons.
I notice the difference when I use SU at work with a normal mouse. I am always going to press buttons that are not their! I must invest in another one for work.
Definately give one a try if you can afford it, because apart from just SU, it is a fantastic mouse period. -
Fortunately, these days Macs are nothing but pricey PCs. They use the same type of hardware (Intel CPUs, nvidia GPUs) and are thus able to run Windows. The only difference is that Macs come with a paid brother of Linux preinstalled, called "Mac OS X"
Here's how to use Windows on an Apple-brand PC (aka "a Mac"):
http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/bootcamp.htmlAnd here's how to install Apple's OSX on a PC you can assemble yourself:
Linux can be installed in both types of PCs: Those Apple manufactures (aka "Macs") and all the rest.
So no matter what brand of PC you happen to prefer (an Apple or any of the rest), options are still open.
Best of luck to you. As you can see most are willing to help. There are a few here that showed their age. Don't be thrown by it, stick with it. There is for sure a way for you to make some money. Work hard, stick close to the forum.
@hebrides said:
There are a few here that showed their age. Don't be thrown by it, stick with it.
a quick google search reveals this same scenario being pitched around the interweb for the past couple of years.. once for a 30" cinema display and again for adobe creative suite.. it looks like it worked out for the creative suite (seeing how he has dreamweaver) but maybe not so well with the hardware.. the same sticker spiel was used in the past too and i hope adobe doesn't get mad when their stickers are covered up with google stickers..
i'm not at all claiming christopher is f.o.s and trying to scam people but come on man... that mac oct he's thinking about is ~$5,500 without a display or periphreals.. i don't get it. -
hebrides wrote:
@unknownuser said:
As you can see most are willing to help. There are a few here that showed their age. Don't be thrown by it
Not sure who you are refering to, but I assume it's me as I was the first to question the original post, I suppose I do not wilt to every sob story or believe everything I read without question. I tried to be as respectful and sincere as possible.
Had I intended to be mean I'd question the fact that a person living with a certain condition for all his life with clearly a good understanding of grammar and writting could not spell his condition correctly "spassdic quadreplegic", but I'm not mean and won't.
I will take this as genuine and further, put myself in this man's shoes. I'm sure he has shed a thousand tears. I understand your doubt but it is easy to be cynical.
@unknownuser said:
I suppose I do not wilt to every sob story or believe everything I read without question. I tried to be as respectful and sincere as possible.
Some things are better left unsaid.
@hebrides said:
I understand your doubt but it is easy to be cynical.
It's also easy to make grand claims and then refuse to offer anything to back those claims up.
And that's what you do.
Until your post in this thread there wasn't any negative comments towards Christopher. I don't think your sensitivity in this thread has anything to do with the response to Christopher, it's down to you being asked to back up your speed claims in the MoI thread. And you've been at it again over Solo's "weighty" organic modeling where you claim a superior result to Solo's but again refuse to actually back your claim up with the model.
IMO the response to Christopher has been appropriate. He asked for a free version of SU Pro and he was told that there wasn't really any need for him to have the Pro version when he hasn't even installed the free version and seen what it offers. Until your post nobody brought up the troubling contradictions in his post. And until now, nobody has mentioned the fact that Christopher has managed to whine at length about the treatment of disabled people in both of his 2 posts.
@unknownuser said:
you claim a superior result to Solo's
Speaking of wild claims. Back that one up!
I have posted models that demonstrate the point made in the post. -
@hebrides said:
@unknownuser said:
you claim a superior result to Solo's
Speaking of wild claims. Back that one up!
@solo said:
200kb medium? wow! that's low in my book, so what do you consider low and do you have any samples of medium and low components that look half decent?
@hebrides said:
Less than 100k. I'm not going to try and qualify my advise. You know yourself this is a perpetual problem and balancing act between pre-vis quality and model size. If you have the time to put together packs and you are interested in earning a living then I will leave it to you to create decent low poly models.
@hebrides said:
I have posted models that demonstrate the point made in the post.
Where? Why wouldn't you post a model in Solo's thread so that people can actually see what you're talking about, rather than trust that you can do it because you say you can?
If this is going to turn in to a slagging match please take it to PMs
To get the record straight:
I took considerable time (many hours) first of all to experiment with model mesh. I did my best to explain. Solo ignored. I took from that that he didn't think my advise was appropriate. That would suggest that I should not continue in his thread. I posted in another thread for those who have an interest in further optimization of their models. Funny, Solo came out of the woodwork. As I suspected, he dismissed the advise immediately.
Now I'm being dogged by you.
Remind me to not put my hand up. -
Lets try stay on topic, I suggest we pick this up in your solid modeling thread.
Ummm forgive me if I totally missed something (but a find text check suggests I haven't)
Why does this guy use the surname Kelly in his 1st post and yet his name beneath where his avatar would be says Christopher Ryan ( which he abbreviates at the end of his 2nd post!)Smells like a scam to me
It has all the hallmarks. Pete you weren't being cynical, just brave enough to state how it looks.
@shadeofgrey said:
Again, if proof of ANYTHING i claim is true is required it can be provided at a moments notice.
I'd love to see some...
i just spent about half an hour on this thread and i just stand at